𝙩𝙚𝙣. who told you i will get back with him?

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Chapter 10: Who told you I will get back with him?

It was fall when Y/N's heart first fell in love with a man.

Despite her busy schedules, she would always find time for him, and he would do the same for her too.

L/N Y/N and Nanami Kento were the perfect couple in everyone's eyes.

Y/N thought, maybe spring is not the only season where she's getting good things in life, fall is nice too.

Yet two years later, her heart got broken on the same season she fell in love.

It was fall when her sister died, and when the man she thought she would spend her life with, left.

"Of all people, you know the most how I hated to be away with my loved ones, Kento. I can't handle a long distance relationship. What if you meet someone? Or what if I meet someone? We will just end up hurting each other"

"We could work this out, this is why I'm asking you to come with me, Y/N."

Y/N shook her head. The man was going overseas, and plans on staying there for good.

"You know I'm still mourning, my sister just died three weeks ago, and my parents are not here with me. Yuji also needs me" she tried her best for her voice not to crack.

"I know the timing isn't great, but this has been my dream, and I don't want to lose you" he says.

Y/N shook her head. "I don't want to lose you too, but I need to be here, and you need to be there, we need to pick a choice and my choice is to stay here. Kento, you've been waiting for this moment, you should pursue your dream" she never wanted to hold him back just because of her, she knows he is chasing his dreams and this was his first time really wanting to have that job, and she just wouldn't get in the way with it.

"I'm sorry, I just...I can't leave with you"

Nanami knew her words were final, so he took a deep breath before leaving.

"Okay..." He said.

His figure seemed to blur from Y/N's vision, and then suddenly her eyes shot wide open and saw a white ceiling.

She groaned as she slowly wakes up.

"Why did I dream of that day?" She asked herself. "We don't even have communication for the past three years" she mumbled.

Suddenly realizing she's not in her own room, she sat up and looked at her surroundings, and then saw Megumi still sound asleep.

That's when she remembered what happened yesterday.

"Oh, right" she said the looked at Megumi's sleeping figure once again and stroke his hair. She found herself smiling, and then her eyes went to the picture frame on the nightstand.

It was a picture similar to hers in her room, only that Gojo was grinning widely and carrying a scowling Megumi.

"You're awake"

Y/N looked up and saw Gojo leaning against the doorframe. Suddenly she realized she haven't even washed her face yet, and her hair was dishiveled, so she screamed.

"Oh my god don't look at me! I just woke up, I'm so ugly!" She exclaimed and burried her face in her palms.

Gojo blinked in surprise and then suddenly bursted out laughing. Which now woke up Megumi.

"You stop laughing!"

"No, you're just so cute! Don't worry, you were a sleeping beauty"

This just made Y/N more embarrassed than she ever was.

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