Special Chapter 5: Megumi and his puppies

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The cold breeze of December makes one, love to snuggle up in a warm cozy blanket and sleep all day. Since it is mid-December, students no longer have classes and are enjoying their break.

Megumi loved staying in bed especially when it's still early in the morning. However, this day was no ordinary day, and one particular person always does his own tradition of greeting the younger one in his special day.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head! We have a day to celebrate!" The white-haired giant burst open the door.

"HAAAAA—PPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! YEAH! YEAH! Happy Birthday to you! WOOHOO! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you! MEGUMI!"


"Stop it, shut up" the boy groaned and covered his ears under his blanket.

"Come on, wake up and sing it with me!"

"No, go away"

"HAPPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~ YAHOO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! RISE UP! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you! Gumi-gumi!"

The kid no longer had patience and stood up from his bed and walked out of his room.

Gojo still followed him and saw Y/N patting the boy's head in the kitchen.

"Forgive him, he's just excited" Y/N said.

"No, he always does that"

"Like a tradition?"

"An annoying tradition" he grumbled which made Y/N laugh.

"You sure have your favorites, Megumi, I'm hurt" Gojo said pertaining to always liking Y/N more than him and the kid sighed.

"Come on Satoru, leave the kid alone for now, let's eat" Y/N said as she had already prepared breakfast. Gojo pouted then sat on his seat.

"Alright" he said, but for the last time he exclaimed.

"Happy Birthdaaay Megumi!"

Soon Gojo had to go to school and Y/N also had to go to work. They trust Megumi enough to leave the house to him, and if in any case there's trouble or emergency, he has their numbers on his emergency contacts.

"Finally" he muttered as there was peace. He can finally enjoy the moment alone.

Megumi didn't really care that much about his birthday, but Gojo always gives him gifts or takes him out to a restaurant and just any other things he could, to celebrate.

Megumi is thankful, but sometimes he just overdoes it. Not to mention the way he greets him in the morning. Nevertheless, this year was new to say the least, as it is his first time to celebrate it with Y/N. He grew fond of the woman and had respected her ever since and it was nice that he is no longer just stuck with Gojo.

There are really no special things he does on his birthday, especially when he's alone in the house. He would just read a book, scroll through his phone, watch dog videos, eat and repeat.

However his mind is thinking of one thing: he still wants to own a dog. And he remembered Y/N promised to give him one if he gets a little older.

Nevertheless, he is not really asking either of them to give him one, he just keeps quiet.

When the day was almost over, Y/N came back carrying a box with her. It seemed kind of heavy and something was moving inside. This got Megumi curious.

"Hi Megumi! Come here for a sec" Y/N gestured for him to come close and he did.

"I brought a gift for you, go on open it" she smiled. The kid got curious and excited at the same time. A subtle smile graced his face.

And when he was in the verge of opening the gift, Gojo arrived carrying a box of almost the same size too.

"Oh! You're already opening presents?" He said as he put the box down carefully.

"Yup" Y/N answered in Megumi's behalf.

"I have a gift for you too, Megumi!" He said and tapped the box, Megumi paused and looked at him and the box.

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's a surprise, go finish unboxing Y/N's gift first" he said, and so Megumi did. Upon opening the box, a poof of white fur greeted the boy.

"Woof! Woof!"

"A puppy?" His eyes widened in surprise. "Y/N-san..."

"Happy Birthday, Megumi" Y/N smiled and his eyes sparkled, Y/N kept her promise.

"Woah, thank you, Y/N-san!"

"What?" Gojo suddenly muttered in disbelief upon seeing the white puppy wagging its tail as Megumi carried it.

"Now go open Satoru's" Y/N said, also curious on what he is giving to Megumi.

And when Megumi opened the box, a poof of black fur greeted him.


"Another puppy?" His eyes gleamed, he only wanted one, but now he has two.

"Satoru, you also got him a puppy?" Y/N turned to him.

"I didn't know you're going to give him one!" Gojo replied.

Y/N couldn't believe what just happened, and this just made her laugh and mentally note to always ask Gojo so that they can both decide and avoid things happening like this in the future.

"But...can I keep both of them?" Megumi asked. "I'm only allowed to keep one...right?"

Gojo looked at Y/N, and Y/N looked at him before turning to face Megumi.

"Oh dear, don't worry" she said. "You can keep both" she said smiling.

"Yup!" Gojo gave a thumbs up.

Megumi rarely shows his emotions, but this time, they can really see the happiness and excitement in his face. And Gojo did not miss the opportunity to take a video to capture the moment.

"Thank you Y/N-san, Gojo sensei" he says as he hugs both puppies.

"So, what are you gonna name them?" Gojo asked the kid as he swung an arm on Y/N.

"They look like my stuffed toys, so I'm gonna name them Shiro and Kuroo" he said as he pets the two puppies.

"That's...so cute" Y/N mumbled.

"Right?" Gojo's smile never faded. "Oh! I also brought cake" Gojo said.

"Go make a wish, Gumi" Y/N said as Gojo lighted the candle.

Megumi made a wish as he blew the candle and Y/N clapped her hands.

"Happy Birthday Megumi!" Both Gojo and Y/N said at the same time.

"What did you wish for, Megumi?" Gojo questioned.

"It's a secret" he said, and Gojo pouted.

"Come on Satoru, it should always be a secret or else it won't come true" Y/N chuckled. "Let's have dinner, boys"

Megumi only looked at the both of them and smiled curtly.

'I wished that Gojo sensei and Y/N-san will always be happy and be by my side'


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