𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. my spy family

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Chapter 13: My spy family.


Megumi looked up to Gojo.


"You have to come with me tomorrow"

The kid furrowed his eyebrows.


"Y/N is going to meet with Nanami, her ex" he said as he read Y/N's message.


Gojo stared at him. "I have a plan"


"But Megumiiii, what if she'll change her mind and they get back together?"

The kid only gave him a blank stare.

"I thought you're so confident Y/N-san won't leave you"

"Look kid, I am" he said. "But this is Nanami we're talking about"

"I'm gonna go to bed"

"You'll never get to see her again if it happens!"

This made the kid stop in his tracks.

"Come with me tomorrow! We'll make sure she's safe, I mean she will be safe, but that's not the point! Please Megumi, I'll buy you another dog plushie!" Gojo pleaded.

"And what are we exactly doing tomorrow?" The kid questioned.

Gojo grinned. "You'll see!"


"We look suspicious sensei" Megumi complained. When Gojo said he has a plan and has prepared the outfits, Megumi wanted to back out, yet Gojo picked him up and he wasn't able to get out of his grasp, which now forced him to go with him today.

"Come on Megumi, this is why I needed you to come with me, so I won't look suspicious"

Gojo wore all black from his hat down to his shoes. Plus he wore a different kind of sunglasses this time.

Megumi was clothed in all black too, and rather than making his hair flat, Gojo just also gave him a hat and also made him wear a mask. He didn't want to be reminded of Toji ever.

An adult wearing a sunglasses and a kid clad in all black, both with masks on, entering a fancy restaurant at broad daylight? Who wouldn't get suspicious of that.

"Come on Megumi" Gojo took his hand and walked fast.

"Sensei, slow down!"

He scanned the area and when he spotted the two, he purposely sat before the table of Y/N and Nanami, eavesdropping at their conversation. The restaurant chairs were sofa-like, and the headrests are high so they wouldn't see each other.

And then the waiter came to take their orders.

"We'll have whatever you recommend, the kid and I" he said, still trying to listen to them.

"Alright sir, but can I ask you to take off your hat?"

"No, I can't" Gojo said.

"But sir—" the waiter wasn't able to finish speaking because Gojo already slid a couple of cash under the table (literally).

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