Special Chapter 2: Gojo and his shenanigans

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It was rather an ordinary day for Megumi to see his step-dad, going about the most random things in his own world. Sometimes he would see him laughing and cooing by himself while watching cat videos on his phone, or would casually scroll and buy things for him, as well as for Y/N.

But most of the time, it really makes Megumi think how much of a simp his step-dad is when he looks over the pictures he has with Y/N.

Today, he's doing that, and Megumi had already lost count of how many sighs he heard from him as he admires their pictures.

But then again this time, it's different because Y/N was away for two weeks for a health seminar wherein she will be one of the lecturers.

"Megumi, come here" he called for the kid. Megumi grumbled in annoyance.

"I'm reading" he says but Gojo ignores his comment.

"Go change your clothes, we're going out" he said.

"What?" The kid furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't want to"

"Come on, come with meee! I can't do this, more than a week without Y/N is making me feel depressed" he pouted. "I miss her, and I know I can't call her at this time because it might disturb her. So please, please, please come with me?" he pleaded at the kid.

Knowing how he would not stop this kind of behavior, Megumi sighed and closed his book.

"Fine" he said. "Where are we even going?"

Gojo only grinned. "You'll see!"


Megumi doesn't know if he should be happy that he's not stuck with Gojo today or be annoyed that there are more people around.

"Fushiguro!" Yuji waved at him as he let go of his father's hands and rushed towards them.

"Glad you had time, Jin" Gojo said as he greets Yuji's dad.

"Yuji has been persistent of going out. Your invite is just right on time" Jin responded.

Today, Gojo decided to hang out with Megumi, and thought that Megumi would have more fun if Yuji is with him, so he called Jin and viola! They had decided to have fun with their kids, some sort of dad hang-outs maybe.

"You probably miss Y/N so much already, right? Don't worry, it's normal, you'll see her soon" Jin commented as they walked towards an arcade. Yuji wanted to play in the biggest arcade in Tokyo so they went there.

"What, who, me? Missing her so much? Nah, I'm good. I'm fine without Y/N. Yeah" Gojo replied.

Jin narrowed his eyes at him. "Really?" He questioned and Gojo just smiled awkwardly.

"Of course!" He says confidently.

"Break up with her then"

"What? No!" Gojo protested.

"You said you don't miss her and you're fine without her, so why are you still in a relationship with Y/N if that's so?" Jin raised a brow at him.

"No! I'm lying! I miss her, okay? I'm not breaking up with her"

"Pfft" Jin tried to control his laughter.

"Itadori you are so mean" he huffed.

"Just testing" Jin replied and laughed. "Anyway come on Yuji, let's go" he tried to grab his son's arm without looking but then furrowed his eyebrows as he was trying to grab nothing. Looking down by his side, he saw nothing but mere space beside him.

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