𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣. you have a child?

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Chapter 7: You have a child?

Time flew fast and the first date has finally come to an end, Gojo asked Y/N if she wanted to visit Megumi, but Y/N said she will go home since someone's waiting for her.

"I would have really loved to see Megumi again, but I must go home" she says as she glanced at the text message on her phone.

"Well, let me walk you home then" Gojo offers.

"I really appreciate the offer, but I can manage, Gojo"

"I insist"

"It's really fine"

"I will not take no as an answer"

"I'm really okay going home alone"

"What's that? You would love me to walk you home?"


"The date officially ends when I make sure you get home safe" he grinned.

"Who says that?"


Y/N sighed. He really won't take no as an answer.


"Yes! Let's go" he says and Y/N shakes her head but starts walking anyway.

"You're such a man child"

Gojo gasped. "You wouldn't call me that" he says.

"And why?" Y/N raised a brow on him.

"Because you might not want to be kissed right here, right now"

Y/N's eyes widened and she automatically slapped him on his shoulders, very hard.

"Ouch" Gojo pretended to be hurt, but then he burst out laughing.

"I was just kidding! Your reaction was so cute! Hahaha!"

"You! I will not go on a date with you ever again if you keep that up!"

Gojo gasped once again. "So you planned on going out with me again?"

"I did not say that!"

"But you implied it!"

Y/N's face turned red, Gojo sure was so good at teasing and provoking.

"You're imagining things!"

"I simply stated facts? So, wanna go out on a second date some time?" He was grinning widely.

Y/N already stopped her tracks because she was in front of her house, but her focus was still on her back and forth with Gojo.

"What makes you feel so confident I would say yes again?"

"Well I am Gojo Satoru" he says.

"I'll make sure you say yes"

Y/N was about to speak when someone called.


Both Y/N and Gojo turned and spoke at the same time. "Mama?"

Gojo's eyes went to look at the kid and then to the man in front of the house.

"Yuji, why-"

"Y/N, welcome back" the pink haired man greeted and glanced at Gojo. They both had a short staring contest, tension was building in between them.

Gojo broke the stare first and turned to Y/N with furrowed eyebrows.

"Y/N" he spoke, trying to think if he should ask or not.

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