𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. hangouts with friends are the best

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Chapter 15: Hangouts with friends are the best.

"Suguru! Suguru! Suguru! Guess what!"

"What, Satoru?"

"You know! I can't believe myself"

"You sound like a teenager getting all worked up because of a crush, what is wrong with you?"

"No! Suguru, hear me out!" He sounded so excited.

"And I asked, what is it? Don't prolong it further"

"I'm the luckiest man on earth, I think I'm going to get married soon! We kissed!"


Today, the two best friends decided to hang out. Geto had free time, Gojo had free time. So they decided to meet up.

"You kissed and then that's it? She agreed to get married to you?" He couldn't believe his words.

"Well no, I didn't propose" Gojo said. Then Geto heaved a sigh of relief. Of course this is Satoru, he would exaggerate things.

"But you see, Y/N is the one"

Geto eyed him with a suspicious look. "Are you being serious?"

"I am! I even already told my father about her"

"You already introduced her to your father?" Geto looked so shocked.

"No Suguru, I haven't yet, I just told him"

Geto put his cup of tea down. If Gojo told his father about his relationship, then he must be really serious.

"Bro, will Y/N be alright though?"

"Huh? Of course she will be, there's nothing to worry about" he smiled widely and rested his hands behind his head.

Geto hummed. Y/N is a great woman, no doubt about that.

"You know, I've never seen you this happy before" Geto said.

"Really?" Gojo looked at him, Geto was just smiling as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"I'm happy for you. You found the woman of your dreams"

"Yup! I finally won't be meeting girls introduced to me by my father" he dreaded those days.

"Good for you"


"Shokooo" Y/N went for a hug. The woman just chuckled.

"Y/N, Gojo's gonna get jealous if he sees you hugging me like this"

"Let him be then" she broke the hug.

"He deserves to suffer for teasing me when we kissed"

"You kissed?" Shoko was surprised, and Y/N just blushed.

"I don't wanna talk about it! Let me forget him for a while"

Shoko just laughed. "Alright, alright"

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