𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩. meet my best friend

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Chapter 8: Meet my bestfriend

"Gojo sensei"

Gojo perked up upon seeing Megumi poking him on the couch.

It was Monday evening, and he was lying down on the couch because Mondays are exhausting. Both of them just got home, and he was too lazy to make dinner that he just ordered and now waiting for it to arrive.


"How do you make someone go away and leave you alone?"

Gojo furrowed his eyebrows and seemed to process Megumi's words. Suddenly, he sat up straight and looked at the kid.

"Was someone bothering you? Or Bullying you?" He questioned. "I'll make sure they'll get reported if they bother you"

"No, that's not it"

"And if they do physically hit you first, you hit back! Twice the damage!"

"No, I'm not being bullied sensei" Megumi furrowed his eyebrows.

"Huh? Then what is it?"

"A new classmate arrived, and he wouldn't stop being annoying, he always talks and talks and joins me when I eat"

It took Gojo three seconds to internalize what little Megumi just said.

"Oh my god, you finally made a friend!"


"I must tell Y/N this, she would be really happy!"

"Sensei! What have you been telling Y/N-san?"

"That you have no friends"

"What?" Megumi was in disbelief.

Gojo hurriedly went to get his phone to text Y/N. They have been constantly texting each other, and went out to a few dates already, they undeniably gotten closer that the thin line of awkwardness before had finally disappeared, thus, why on their date this weekend, he plans on finally asking her the million dollar question.

"Gojo sensei!"

"Alright I will only tell her tomorrow, when you're there" he grinned.

Tomorrow night is gonna be dinner night with Shoko and Geto, and he's bringing Megumi along too. He wanted Y/N to meet Geto, since Geto will never believe him that Y/N agreed to go on dates with him. He has even said before: "Really Satoru? You're finally planning on settling down and someone finally wants to be in a long term relationship with you? Oh in my dreams"

Megumi just pouted and grumbled then marched to his room.

"Come out there soon when dinner's here, okay?" Gojo shouted and smiled.

"I'm excited tomorrow!"


And tomorrow came...

"Alright class dismissed!"


All of Gojo's students reacted in unison, it was only 15 minutes since he started the class, and now he's ending it?

Some were happy, some were confused, but most of all, all were protesting when someone raised a query.

"Sensei, I know we're your last class for today, but are we really ending it already?"

This question made others groan.

"We're going home early, you don't want that?" One of the students exclaimed.

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