Special Chapter 1: How Gojo planned the proposal

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Megumi clicked his tongue in annoyance, Gojo has been like this for days.

Pacing back and forth in the living room, taking his laptop out and searching something, then groans and pulls his hair out of frustration, plops down the sofa and spreads his long arms and legs and stare at the void for a long time.

"Why isn't my brain working" he mutters as he sighs and sits up.

"Megumi, what's for dinner?"

"Ha?" The 9-year old kid turned to him with a scowl in his face. He's supposed to ask him that, not the other way around.

"Oh I meant, what do you want for dinner"

Megumi narrowed his eyes at him. He's being really weird these days.


"Alright" he says as he takes out his phone and tap on a delivery app. He was too lazy to cook or prepare a meal.

After he was done ordering, he turned to Megumi again.

"You like Y/N, right?" He asked to which Megumi only gave him a questioning look.

"I have finally decided to propose to her, what do you think?"

"You're not serious, are you?" The kid replied, why would he say such a serious thing so casually?

"I'm serious! I really have decided!"

But Megumi just gave him a blank stare.

"You're not believing me? I've been so stressed out these days on how I'll do it, the internet isn't even helping! Help me Megumi"

"Just ask her?" Megumi replied.

"Yeah but I want it to be special, but not so corny because she might not like it, I want it to be natural you know, just like when I first met—" his eyes suddenly widened when an idea struck his mind. He stared at Megumi for a while.

"Oh my Megumi, Megumi" he says as he smiled mischievously, as if he's scheming on something.

"You really give me the best ideas by just breathing"

"What the" Megumi took a step backwards, there was an ominous aura surrounding him.

"Come here give me a hug!"



"Sensei, I won't do it, go look for another idea" Megumi grumbles as Gojo looks for a shirt in his size.

"I have no more ideas, Megumi"

"Wrack your brain or something"

"My brain's not working"

Megumi groaned.

"We are already here, no backing out" he says.

"You practically carried me all the way here by force?"

"You were easy to carry, I didn't even use a lot of energy and force"

Megumi wanted to bang his head on the wall.

"This looks the best" he said and handed it to the man who takes the customized orders. "Will you marry my dad? Is what the text would be" he instructs, but Megumi objected.

"No, don't put the word dad to it" he says.

"No, you're wearing it, so it must be there"

"I won't wear it"

Gojo pouted, then suggested another idea.

"Then how about step-dad ?" He hopes they will meet halfway.

Megumi contemplated, he will never let go of this idea. But then for Y/N, then...


"Great!" He smiled and then paid for the customized shirt.

After that, he bought them both snacks and went home.

"For the second part, you will act sick, unconscious, never moving" Gojo says as he takes a bite of fries.

"No" Megumi rejects once again.

"Come on, just this once?" He pleaded, but Megumi didn't respond.

He sighed. "I'll give you a talent fee for acting"

Megumi furrowed his eyebrows. He is really pushing this kind of proposal.

"I bet Y/N will really be happy if you were there" he adds.

This made Megumi think.

"Fine" he says. "Just because I want Y/N-san to be happy"

Gojo grinned widely.

"Then it's a deal!"

And so the plan has been established, and it will soon be enacted.

"You pray she's gonna say yes though, I don't wanna deal with your sulking"

"You're really mean Megumi!"


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