𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙤𝙣𝙚. i'm not jealous

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Chapter 21: I'm not jealous.

The issue with Megumi's father was all solved, and Y/N couldn't feel more relieved after hearing that. Although she feels so bad for Megumi, his real dad is convicted, and what would he think about that when he grows up?

Yet when she asked if he wanted to meet his real dad, he only said "I don't even remember him"

Gojo didn't reveal it yet to him that the man who kidnapped him was his real father, and Y/N thought it's best to wait and tell him what happened when he's older, so that he would understand, and that he's not left in the dark, and Gojo agreed with her sentiments.

Today, Yuji asked Y/N to hang out at Nobara's cat café, and to bring Megumi along. Y/N only had her day off for the past weeks, and she only ever wanted to lie down and do nothing today. Yet she couldn't resist her nephew, hence why she gave in, and agreed to take him out.

She informed Gojo about this, and he said to meet him and Megumi there.

Yet when she arrived, her eyes twitched at the sight.

The café staff saw her enter, and they all got nervous knowing all too well how her and Gojo's relationship was supported by the owner of this establishment.

An unknown female customer was talking to Gojo, and even slapping his arms playfully.

Megumi was beside him, glaring at the woman.

"You know, you're so cute" the woman said to the spiky-haired kid and tried touching his hair but he avoided, which made the woman retract her hand.

"Just like your guardian here" she pretended the kid didn't avoid her.

Megumi had a scowl on his face, he was going to speak when Y/N came up to them.


"You look cute too, so cute I wanna crush you to a pulp"

Was what Y/N was gonna say, but she chose not to and just went near Gojo and suddenly kissed him on the cheek which surprised him, a lot.

"I'm here" she smiled, then turned to the woman and looked at her up and down.

"And you are?"

The woman knitted her eyebrows.

"Who are you, and why are you interrupting our conversation?" The woman raised her brow, which made Y/N stare blankly at her. The audacity.

Y/N's instincts are always right, and she really felt bad vibes coming from this woman earlier.

"I'm sorry? I should be the one asking you that" she said, still flashing a sweet smile. "I'm this man's girlfriend"

"Y/N, she just asked something to me-" Gojo suddenly zipped his mouth when she side-eyed him for a second.

"Really? So?" The woman raised a brow. "I can talk to anyone I want"

Y/N was about to retort when suddenly the woman yelped and fell on her knees.

"Ouch!" She cried.

"She said, she's the girlfriend!" The girl exclaimed with both arms on her hips. "Don't talk to Gojo sensei ever again!"

Y/N's eyes widened and the little girl just winked at her.

"Nobara! What did you do?" Nobara's mother suddenly came when she heard a commotion happened. The woman cried and complained annoyingly.

Little Nobara just kicked the back of the woman's knee which made her fall. Hard.

"You damn brat!" She pointed at her. "Where are your parents you bitch!"

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