𝙨𝙞𝙭𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. sleepovers are nice

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Chapter 16: Sleepovers are nice.

Despite her agreeing to this night's on the spot sleepover, she was actually in a panic of how would this work.

There was a spare room for Yuji, which Megumi can also stay at, but how about Gojo? Where would she put him?

She has no extra bed, so maybe she'll just sleep with the kids.

"Auntie, what time will Uncle Satoru and Megumi come?" Yuji was excited and couldn't wait.

"They'll be here soon" she responded. Both of them went home to get their things just for this sleepover.

"I just don't know where your uncle would sleep later" she added.

"He can sleep with you!"

"Yuji, you shouldn't say that, it's—"

The doorbell suddenly rang. Y/N stood up and looked at who was outside, and it was the very person they were talking about. With a deep breath, she opened the door.


"Hi unwanted visitor" she joked.

"Not you Megumi" she smiled at the kid. "Come in"

"I am hurt" Gojo said. "You hurt me doctor, you should take care and heal the wound you inflicted on me"



"Do you want to go home?" She spoke with the sweetest smile.

"No! I'm just joking you know, I'm staying" he dashed inside and clinged to Yuji.

"You can't make me go home, I'm sticking with your nephew"

Y/N scoffed. "You're such a baby"

"I'm your baby"

Megumi almost choked in his saliva.

Y/N just rolled her eyes, but still blushed. She's gotta get used to his abrupt lines.

"I've prepared dinner" she said and went to the kitchen. Gojo and the kids followed, and his grin widened upon sitting.

"This is nice, I feel like you're my wife already and we have our kids here"

Y/N almost tripped on her way to sit down when he said that.

"Satoru, don't joke like that"

'I don't want to have high hopes'

"Eh? Why?" He asked innocently.


Gojo shrugged and started eating, upon taking the first bite, his eyes widened.

"Did you order this?"

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "No, I cooked it"

Gojo gasped. "Marry me"

"Ha??" Both Megumi and Y/N reacted.

"It's so delicious! I didn't know you are good at cooking, Y/N"

"Y-you're not serious, aren't you?" Y/N says, her heart suddenly beat fast.

"I am serious, it's really delicious!"


"Of course, why would I cook if I can't" she smiled awkwardly. "Eat well then"

"Auntie's cooking is the best! I haven't eaten some in years until now" Yuji boasted.

"Sorry Yuji, auntie has been busy that's why I never had the chance to cook" she said and pat his head.

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