𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. gojo has a girlfriend?

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Chapter 17: Gojo has a girlfriend?

These past few days Gojo feels like there is really something off, especially when he's out. So every time he and Megumi walks around or goes to wherever, he now made sure that the kid cannot leave his side.

He didn't know why, but he's sensing that something's not going right. Yes he had to keep the kid safe.


Who on earth would buy a leash then tie it to his own wrists and connect it to the kid?!

"Satoru...what on earth" Y/N got speechless when she went to pick up Yuji and visited her boyfriend on the way.

"Y/N-san, help" the kid looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Why did you tie Gumi with you?!"

"Y/N, he might get lost"

Y/N cannot fathom where on earth did he get the idea of keeping Megumi beside him using a leash...a freaking leash!

Y/N unbelievably sat down and put her right palm on her forehead.

"Satoru, are you being serious right now?"

On the other hand, the whole class were hiding behind the doors and windows of the classroom, there were some male teachers too, who were trying to see who was the pretty girl that was having a conversation to their sensei/co-teacher.

"Move! I can't see?"

"Hey shut up, I can't hear!"

"Did any of you know who that woman was?"

"She's pretty"

"Damn, Gojo-san is talking to a pretty lady and not introducing us"

"Ehem!" Someone purposely exclaimed.

"Excuse me!" The girl shouted. "I said, excuse me!" All the students and teachers' attention shifted to the students who just came.

"Mr. Okkotsu Yuta, blood relative of Gojo Satoru is making a statement! Keep quiet and listen to him!"

"Maki, stop, this is embarrassing"

"These people ARE embarrasing, now move and tell them" Maki pushed the boy forward.

Yuta turned to look at Maki, then at Inumaki.

"I agree with Maki, Yuta." Inumaki said.

Yuta slightly trembled and gulpled when all attention was suddenly on him.

But he remembered how kind Y/N was to them when they bumped into her one day in a bookstore and even treated them to a coffee shop. Gojo also would most definitely want him to do this. And so he mustered up his courage to speak but then one student exclaimed.

"She's holding Gojo sensei's wrist!"


Now even the female teachers and passersby got curious. "What?Gojo-san already has a girlfriend?"

Back inside the closed door classroom, not knowing the commotion that's happening outside the hallway, after Y/N removed the leash from Megumi's wrist while lecturing Gojo, she took Gojo's wrist and untied the leash on his end.

The moment Megumi's hands were free, he suddenly dashed outside the classroom and ran away.

Gojo was about to follow Megumi, but Y/N stopped him.

"Oh my gosh! Her hands are on Gojo sensei's chest!"


"Shut up! I think I can hear them talking!"

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