𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. are they actually adults?

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Chapter 19: Are they actually adults?

Gojo immediately went to his room when he heard Megumi shout.

"Y/N is awake" He muttered until he reached his room and saw her sitting up.

"Y/N! Thank God you're awake! Are you feeling okay now?" He asked, genuinely worried about her.

But the moment she saw him, she just burst out crying again. She didn't even notice she was running a fever, she was just thinking on what went wrong with them.

"Oh no, I'm sorry I didn't communicate to you Y/N!"

He cursed at himself. Shoko gave him an ear earlier in the phone, because Nanami told Shoko Y/N was in the verge of crying, and he thinks it's because of Gojo.

"I only wanted to protect you! I'm sorry I didn't tell you" he said.

"Please stop crying" he cupped her face.

"I...I thought I did something wrong, I thought you were gonna leave me like anybody else" she couldn't stop her tears. "Did I do something wrong, Satoru? Are you leaving me behind too?"

"No, you did nothing wrong Y/N and I'm definitely not leaving you. Rather I was the one who did something wrong, it's my fault Y/N, please let me explain?" He cupped her face and wiped her tears with his thumbs.

Y/N tried to calm down and nodded, signaling that she is going to listen to him.

"Megumi, can you leave us alone for a while?"

Megumi was confused, but decided to follow Gojo and left them alone. Gojo gave her a glass of water to drink.

"Your fever has gone down, that's good" he touched her forehead. "Y/N, this might shock you, but you need to know why I refrained from visiting you and contacting you for a while."

"It's my fault I hid it from you and never explained but..." He took a deep breath.

"Megumi's father is trying to get him back"

"What?" Y/N looked really shocked.

"And I didn't want to involve you in this, that's why"

"Satoru..." She trailed off.

"I had him investigated, and found out he's getting a huge amount of money and inheritance in exchange of taking Megumi back to their family"

Y/N cupped his face.

"I'm your partner and Megumi is dear to me, you didn't have to hide it from me"

"I know, I'm so sorry" he said and hugged her. Y/N felt relieved to know their relationship wasn't falling apart.

"I love you okay? I'm not leaving you"

And then Y/N just cried again.

"What? What? Why are you crying, hey, what did I do?" Gojo slightly panicked.

"No, I'm just—I'm sorry for being so emotional like this today, I'll stop crying I promise" she ferociously wiped her tears away.

"I'll help you with your burden, Satoru, don't worry"

Gojo smiled and brushed the stray strand of her hair away from her face and smiled.

"Thank you, Y/N" He held her hand.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine" he said. "For now, take a rest, you've passed out since last night"

"It's morning already?" 

"Yup! I have prepared breakfast, can you go downstairs?"

"I can, I'm not that weak" she said and got up. Nevertheless, Gojo still assisted her, and never let her hand go until they got downstairs. Yet the moment they reached the dining room, something felt missing.

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