𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧. will you go out with me?

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Chapter 4: Will you go out with me?

Work, sleep, eat and repeat who?

Y/N blinked a few times when she saw who just entered her cubicle today, this man always come right in time when she's already done checking up all the patients for the day.

"Gojo-san" she recognized.

"Hi" he greeted and smiled.

Y/N was so convinced now that he came here with another excuse.

"Megumi is no longer sick, why are you still coming here?"

This question made him grin.

"Actually, I'm here to ask you out" he said which surprised Y/N yet she raised a brow at him.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm here to ask you out on a date!" He said cheerfully.

Outside the cubicle, Nitta found herself squeal, she has been sensing why that man has been frequently visiting the clinic, and she likes to see the two interact.

"Ah, Gojo-san..." She trailed off, she couldn't believe what she's hearing.

"You can let me know when you are free, don't worry, I know work comes first" he says.

"Well..." She was kind of hesitating, her eyes trailing off to the things in her clinic, it has been years since she went out with someone for a date, but somewhere in her mind and heart, something's telling her she should say yes, and she doesn't know why. But then she said:


"What?" He didn't expect to be rejected right away.

"I mean, why? Why would you even ask me out?" Y/N questioned.

"Because why not? I want to get to know you" Y/N was quite taken aback, he was actually being genuine.

A short moment of silence occured, Gojo nervously waited.

'I rarely ask someone out, no actually she's the first ever that I asked out, and I get rejected?'

"You'll get to see Megumi after the date if you want!"

"Okay" she agreed.

'What the heck, did I just agree?'

Gojo blinked a few times. He couldn't believe she agreed, was it because of the mention of Megumi's name?

"Great!" he grinned, and for the first time since their first meeting, he took his sunglasses off. Seeing his blue ocean eyes caught Y/N off guard, she found it so beautiful, it mesmerized her. He was saying something but she was so focused on his eyes.

"Well, see you around" he said.

"Huh?" she asked, finally out of trance.

"Just text me when you are free! Bye!" he waved and walked towards the door.

When he was out of her sight, she seemed to have lost her soul as she just abruptly sat down her swivel chair.

"What did I just get myself into?" She muttered. "But I kind of want to know him too"


Her train of thoughts got interrupted when Nitta slid the door open.

"Are you going out on a date? With Gojo-san?" she says excitedly.

"Ha?? Were you eavesdropping?!"

"Oops" she covered her mouth. "Oh my gosh but I'm so excited! Finally you're seeing someone after-" she paused as she remembered she should not bring up the past. "I mean I'm so happy for you Y/N-san! You should really go, he's so good looking anyway and you suit each other!"

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