𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚. they are getting along well

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Chapter 12: They are getting along well.

Today was finally Y/N's day off, and she was excited to have Megumi over. She had never had any kid come over her place except Yuji, and she wanted the both of them to become friends too, especially since Yuji just moved in to Tokyo, it's nice to have someone he can befriend with. Hence why she's not the only one who's excited right now.

"Auntie! I'm excited to meet uncle's son!"

Y/N smiled. "I'm sure you'll be great friends" she said as she picked up her phone and opened the new message she received.

Yuji smiled widely, he was already planning on what games he will play with his new potential friend, also since this is his aunt's boyfriend's son, he thought maybe they'll grow up together so he was to make sure to really get along with him, besides he found Gojo cool, so he thought his son is also cool. 

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang so Y/N stood up and walked towards the door, when she opened it, she was greeted with a grinning Gojo saying:

"Y/N! I missed you!"

Y/N deadpanned. 

"We saw each other yesterday" she said.

"Still, I missed you" he grinned widely and winked at her. 

Y/N only gave him a blank stare.

"Can you please leave now" Megumi said.

"Come on Megumiiii, don't be mean like that, behave while you're here okay?"

"Megumi is a good boy, what are you talking about" Y/N said.

"Well, of course he is! I just want to try saying it haha! But I'm afraid I couldn't stay long, I'll leave him to you, Y/N" he smiled and Y/N nodded. 

"Bye Megumi! I'll pick you up later" he said and ruffled his hair, he waved goodbye to Y/N then left.

"Megumi?" A small voice from behind questioned. Y/N stepped aside for Yuji.

"Yuji meet Megumi, Satoru's adopted son, Megumi meet Yuji, my nephew!"

Upon revealing the kid behind Y/N. Megumi almost wanted Gojo to come back.

"Itadori?!" he exclaimed, shocked that the person he's been trying to avoid in school is right here in front of his eyes. He couldn't believe he's gonna see him again even after school, and to top it all, he is Y/N's nephew.

"Fushiguro! You are uncle Satoru's son?"


'He calls him uncle??'

"Oh, you two know each other?" Y/N commented as she closed the door.

"He's my classmate auntie!" Yuji cheerfully said.

"Really? Oh my, then what a small world" she smiled. "Feel free at home, Gumi. I'll make you two some snacks, I'll be right back" Megumi didn't want her to leave, but it was too late.

Yuji turned to Megumi excitedly.

"Fushiguro! Let's play!"

Megumi observed the place, it was very organized, and the pictures displayed all contained of Y/N and Yuji all smiling and having a good time.

'Guess I have no choice but to get along with him because Y/N-san loves him'

"Okay" he replied.

"Great! What do you want to play? We can play tag, hide and seek, or..."

Just listening to him suggesting all kinds of games that involves physical movements made Megumi tired already.

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