Special Chapter 4: Wedding v.0

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"Gojo I swear, stop going back and forth, my head is spinning!"

Shoko had enough of seeing a 6-foot- tall poof of white-hair going back and forth for two minutes now.

"Shoko, you don't understand, I am nervous" he says, still going back and forth.

"Geto, do something about that friend of yours"

"Come on Shoko, he's your friend too" Geto replied.

"That's it, I'm no longer staying here" Shoko says as she goes to the door.

"But Shoko!"

"I'm not even supposed to be here in the first place because I am Y/N's maid of honor"

What actually happened is that Shoko ran a last minute errand for both Y/N and Gojo, yet when she was going back to Y/N, the car she is going to use suddenly malfunctioned and she is currently waiting for it to get fixed.

"Satoru, don't worry everything will be okay" Geto assures him.

"But what if Y/N won't appear? Like those in the movies"

"You've watched too many movies"

"I know she won't but what if she will"

"She loves you, why would she back out?" Geto said and that finally made Gojo quiet.

"The car is fixed Shoko-san!" A faint voice shouted from outside.

"Oh finally" Shoko said. "Get your self together Gojo. See you at the wedding ceremony" she says as she finally walks out of the room.

"Come on Satoru, we'll be going in a while too" Geto tapped his shoulders.

For some reason, ever since yesterday, Gojo felt something is off. Normally he wouldn't get nervous because why would he? He is Gojo Satoru.

But then again, this is his wedding day and he wants it to be perfect. Not a single amount of inconvenience should happen.

With a few more words of encouragement from Geto, Gojo finally calmed down and went to the wedding venue.

The moment the ceremony started, he felt relieved when he finally saw Y/N walking down the aisle with their wedding entourage.

His eyes gleamed at the sight of the woman he is going to marry, and when Y/N was finally standing beside him, he was so happy.

"Shoko told me you were nervous" she whispers beside him.

"No way, why would I?" He replied which made Y/N chuckle. He felt like everything was going smoothly now, the weather is nice, not too sunny, not too cloudy. The flowers and decorations were all pretty, the guests all came and everyone is anticipating the union between them.

Y/N did not run away, Yuji looked excited, Megumi was actually smiling a bit, and a man was standing at the center of the aisle.

'Wait a second, a man is at the center of the aisle—'

"Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace”

"I object!"

Everyone around gasped in surprise.

"Who is that?" Everyone around murmured. Geto stepped forward and went towards him.

"I believe you are not one of the guests here, who are you?"

"Ah, I'm not here as a guest, I came here to object the marriage"

Gojo tightly held Y/N's hand.

"Toji" he narrowed his eyes.

"That man took away my child, hence this marriage should not be permitted" the man who interrupted the wedding pointed at Gojo.

Everybody gasped again. "No! I object to your objection!" Gojo said.

Everyone turned to him, even Y/N, and tilted their heads.

"I don't think that's how it works, Satoru"

Megumi face palmed on his seat.

"I am not letting you ruin my wedding, no, no, no" he says as he hugged Y/N. "Stay away, Toji!" He says.

"You can't take away Megumi and this day from me—"

Yet the man only grinned widely.

"Say goodbye to your happy ending, Gojo Satoru"

"No!" He suddenly felt his body shake.

"Satoru...Satoru! Satoru wake up!"

Gojo's eyes suddenly shot wide open.

"You're squishing me!"

Gojo blinked three times and saw Y/N lying down beside him, wrapped around his embrace.

"What were you even dreaming about?"

Gojo suddenly looked at his ring finger and there was a wedding ring there. At this he sighed in relief.

"I'm actually married to you" he says as he loosens his embrace. "Sorry, was it difficult to breathe?" He asked.

Y/N looked at him with a confused look.

"What are you saying? Of course we are married and yes, you were kind of suffocating me"

"Sorry! And how about Megumi?"

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "Megumi is asleep in his room"

"Thank God"

"What did you dream about?" Y/N asked.

"Doesn't matter" he said and kissed her forehead.


"What's important is you are here with me!" He exclaimed and wrapped his arms around her once again.

Y/N only shook her head, letting the topic go. He doesn't look bothered anymore so she won't pry further.

"Great, now I'm awake and no longer sleepy" Y/N said. "And it's only 2AM"

Gojo pouted then suddenly had an idea.

"Y/N" he called.

"What" she said trying to get back to sleep.

"Don't sleep yet"

"I have a question"


"What do you say we give Megumi a sibling?"

"Yeah sure—What?!" She suddenly jolted awake. "Satoru!" She slapped his arm.

And the man beside her just laughed.

"You agreed!"

"I did not yet!"

"Now you're wide awake like me" he grinned.

"I swear you always say it at the most random times!" She exclaimed and Gojo just laughed more and Y/N groaned. When he finally calmed down from laughing, he turned to her again.

"So, what do you say?"

"Shut up Satoru" she said and sighed.

"I am thinking about it"


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