𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚. we meet again

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Chapter 3: We meet again.

A week has gone by since Gojo brought Megumi to Y/N's clinic, and they have not come back since then.

This made Y/N wonder why, she has been used to him visiting her and bringing her something every after clinic hours, but she now just assumed that Gojo finally fulfilled his acts of gratefulness towards her (this is what he always tells her whenever he visits), and that she will not see him or Megumi again, and it was okay, people come and go, especially with her patients.

This actually has somehow made her sad, but it is what it is, and she has to move forward.

But in reality, Shoko called Gojo and she kind of gave him a talk that he's going overboard, that's why he didn't show up frequently like before.

It was a Saturday, and Y/N had her day off, earlier she hanged out with Shoko, and they talked and caught up with each other's lives. They did talk about the white-haired man, learning she is Shoko's high school friend, and that they were close with another friend of theirs and still keeps in touch 'til this day, but Shoko did not bother telling more about him, she just told her to ignore him if he bothers her. But he he surprisingly doesn't. He still even hasn't sent a text ever since he asked for her number.

While trying to make most of her day off, Y/N found herself sitting at a park while admiring the petals falling from the sakura trees. She had always loved cherry blossoms. And her favorite color is pink.

She was peacefully enjoying her time alone, when a volleyball ball suddenly went flying to her. She shrieked at the sudden impact of the ball, luckily it only hit her shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" The kid bowed and retrieved the ball. Y/N only chuckled and said. "It's okay, no lives were endangered"

"I'm really sorry miss! And thank you!" He said and sprinted away, Y/N's gaze followed him until she spotted a familiar black spiky hair in one of the benches. Her eyes slightly widened upon realizing who it was, and it somehow made her happy to be able to see the kid again, so she decided to stand up and walk towards him.

"Hey, Megumi-kun!" She called when she was finally sure it was really him.

"Are you alone? Where's your dad?"

The boy looked up at her and actually recognized her. "Y/N-san" and just in time, a familiar voice called out.

"Megumi! Here's your ice cream, oh hey! Y/N! We meet again, it's nice to see you" He waved as he ran towards them.

Y/N raised a brow at him. 'He really just calls me by my first name'

"Hi" she said. "Wait a second, did you just...leave your son alone here?"

"He does not roam around and doesn't talk to strangers so I'm confident in him" he proudly said.

"You still should not leave a kid alone, Gojo-san" Y/N warned.

"Right, sorry..." he said and Y/N just shook her head. "Oh, are you busy?" Gojo suddenly asked.

"Not really, I was just taking some time to relax"

"Great! Come with us, we'll have lunch, my treat, also as a thank you for helping my son"

There he goes again, always saying because he is thankful.

"It's really nothing, I just did my job and anyway I don't want to interrupt your father and son bonding time haha, so I should go"

"Gojo sensei's not my father"

"But you're not interrupting us!"

They both spoke at the same time.

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