𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮. why didn't you tell me in advance?

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Chapter 20: Why didn't you tell me in advance?

The door to Gojo's place opened which made Y/N alert. She stood up and sighed in relief when she saw Gojo was back together with Megumi.

"Megumi!" She called and ran towards them. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, Y/N-san" he replied. "But Gojo sensei..."

Gojo just huffed and pouted.

Y/N's eyes widened upon seeing Gojo's face up close.

"What the heck happened to you?" She said cupping his face and turning it from left to right, scanning every inch.

He just crossed his arms and looked away. His face had few bruises and scratches, as well as his arms.

"Do you have a first aid kit?" Y/N questioned, then Megumi ran to get it.

"Satoru, did you get into a fight?"

He just clicked his tongue. "Don't wanna talk about it"

Megumi arrived carrying a small white box. Y/N opened it and turned his face in front of her.

"I'm gonna patch you up either way" she said, which made him perk up.

"I have lots of scratches and wounds, here, here , here" he continued pointing.

"I can see them Satoru, now can you just sit still?"

"Yes doctor! Please heal me, tend me, cure me with your love" he pouted like a child and acted weak.

"Oh my god, shut up" Y/N rolled her eyes, but he just did a peace sign.

"I'm seriously hurt though!"

Megumi was the one who told Y/N what happened as she continued giving first aid to Gojo.

"He also got beaten up by the principal"

"What?" She gasped at Megumi's narratives and accidentally pressed the cotton ball hard on his scratches.


"Oops" Y/N muttered. "You really" Y/N sighed and just shook her head, she couldn't believe all those things happened.

She continued dabbing cotton to Gojo's scratches and disinfecting them, her face was too close to Gojo as she concentrated on treating everything.

'A freaking man child' she thought.

"You know, this will all heal if you just kissed me"

Y/N suddenly stopped and furrowed her eyebrows, then she even pressed the cotton harder.

"O-ouch! Ouch! Hey! Y/N! It hurts?"

"Not my fault you have all these" she said and then threw the cotton ball away.

"It's done" she said.

He pouted then looked down.

"It's not yet over, Toji's still out there" he suddenly said, which made Y/N turn to him.

"What do you mean?"

"He only got banned at school" he brushed his hair in frustration. "But this is exactly why I need to execute my plan" he said then looked at Y/N who was patiently waiting for what he's going to say next.

"I need you in this plan, Y/N. Please come with me"


"Satoru, I am breaking up with you"

"What?" Gojo couldn't believe what he's hearing.

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