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Three years went by in a bliss.

The cold breeze and blooming cherry blossom trees enveloped the streets of Japan. It was spring time once again.

Y/N has now recognized that spring did, and has indeed, always brought her good things in life.

It was spring when she was born. It was spring when she passed the exam for her dream university. It was spring when she obtained her license as a pediatrician. 

And it was spring when she first met Gojo Satoru.

Throughout the years they were together, they got even closer to each other, there were some teeny-tiny little fights, some were even petty ones, but it didn't change the fact that they love and wanted each other's presence. 

Y/N satisfyingly hummed as she wrapped up today's duty. She stretched as she has done checking up the last patient for today. She rested her head on her chair's headrest and closed her eyes for a while. But a few moments later,  there was some sort of noise from outside her cubicle.

"Is Y/N here?" a muffled panicked voice can be faintly heard.

"Yes Gojo-san but please calm down, what's happening?"

"My son, he's gonna die!"


Nitta got confused, Megumi just seemed to be sleeping in his arms, but why is he suddenly panicking like this? It's just as if...

'Oh! That's right, this has happened before—'

"This is an emergency!"

"What's going on?" Y/N finally went out to see what was going on as she recognized the owner of the voice. Gojo suddenly rushed inside her cubicle.

"Y/N, Y/N! Help me! Megumi is—"

"Alright calm down, what happened?" Y/N also now really got worried, it's not everyday she sees Megumi unconscious and Gojo panic like this. 

Gojo set Megumi down on the bed and bit his nails.

"He's gonna die!"

"Satoru, he's not gonna die, can you just tell me what happened?" she says as she put a hand on his forehead and told Nitta to assist her and get his temperature. Nitta did right away.

"I don't know!"

"What do you mean you don't know? Did he eat something bad?"

"He just suddenly put on a very thick jacket, then fell unconscious like that" 

Y/N doesn't understand a word he's saying, he's spewing nonsense. Nothing he's saying can give her a clue on what made Megumi suddenly lose consciousness, especially since his temperature was normal, not like before.

Thinking he's having an allergic reaction. Y/N unzipped his jacket to check on his arms and neck, but then she suddenly stopped moving when her eyes landed on the text printed on his shirt.

Y/N took a step back and covered her mouth in shock, processing the words she just read. She then looked at Gojo who was now grinning widely.

Megumi then suddenly just got up as if nothing happened. The kid was just pretending to be unconscious.

"Oh my gosh" Nitta squealed upon reading it too.

The shirt says: Will you marry my step-dad?

"Will you?" Gojo asked and pulled out a ring from his coat pocket.

"I seriously cannot believe you!" Y/N almost teared up. "What is this, why would you, oh my god" she simply couldn't find the right words to say.

"You really had to drag Gumi into this?" she suddenly asked, but Gojo's grin just widened. 

"I had to bring my blessing" he says and shrugs.

Megumi just watched them, it was true that he was dragged into Gojo's peculiar plan once again, but then he knows Y/N will be happy, so he agreed and participated.

Y/N shakes her head in disbelief and shock. She feels like this is just some sort of dream. And that maybe she will wake up and find out that this didn't happen at all. 

She dreamed of getting engaged and getting married before, yet she never had her hopes high. But now that it's happening, she still couldn't believe it.

"Is that a no?" he questioned.

Y/N shook her head. "No silly!" she chuckled. "Of course I'll marry you!" 

Y/N yelped in surprise as Gojo suddenly hugged and lifted her up and spun her around, and as he puts her down, he kissed her and put the ring on her finger after.

"I'm so glad" Gojo said. "I have both my blessing and remedy here today" he paused. "And she's going to marry me too" 

Y/N admired the ring on her finger and smiled happily. She still couldn't believe it, but she just loved to cherish this moment.

"Likewise, Satoru...likewise."



Megumi stretched out his arm in front of Gojo.

Gojo suddenly scratched his head and put out his wallet and gave him the amount he promised.

"Really Satoru? In front of me?" Y/N raised a brow on him.

"You didn't see anything!"

Y/N sighed. "I knew it, Megumi wouldn't agree to wearing the shirt for your proposal"

"For you Y/N-san I did, but for him, no" the kid responded. "I had to have compensation"

"Don't do this to Megumi again, Satoru"

"Yes ma'am!"

━━━━━   The End   ━━━━━━

You know, it was such an impulse decision to write this story, and I was in an adrenaline or maybe sugar rush when I started writing this lmao, but now I can't believe I have finally written the end.

Thank you so much for loving this story, I appreciate each and every vote and comment you leave, it is what always keeps me going. Writing this fanfic was pure bliss. Thank you so much! 

I might update bonus chapters, but we'll see, since classes will start for me next week 🥲. Or maybe see you in another fanfic someday too. (Maybe sooner, it depends 🫣)

I love you all! I wish I can hug each and everyone of you. Until then. 🫶

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