𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣. make sure to never lose your kid

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Chapter 11: Make sure to never lose your kid.

It's been a week.

Megumi didn't believe his adoptive dad at first.

Him and Y/N officially dating?

Megumi questioned why Y/N would agree to be his girlfriend.

Yet somehow he felt glad, this means Y/N would visit frequently, and he could ask her things he wouldn't ask Gojo about.

It's been a week since they got together, and what happened that day also reached Shoko and Geto.

Shoko was surprised Nanami is back, and Geto also confirmed that she was indeed the one in the pictures he saw before with Nanami.

Shoko asked Gojo what did he make Y/N eat, for her to choose him and not get back with Nanami. And he said: "love potion".

Geto sent his wishes and good luck to Y/N as well in chat. Y/N didn't even know why he said that.

But anyway, back to Megumi.

Today is Monday again and Megumi  dreaded going to school.

He didn't mind going to school before because no one bothers him. Well, sometimes that Kugisaki kid annoys him when they are in the same group for class, but this new classmate of his is just different.

"Good morning, Fushiguro!"

There he goes, why won't he just keep quiet?

He narrowed his eyes at his teacher that came in. He solely blamed it on his teacher because he made the new kid seat beside him.

"How was your weekend? You know, my auntie said that she will introduce me to her boyfriend's son so that we will be friends, I'm excited, auntie never introduced me to someone before!"

"Itadori...can you just please shut up for a while"

"You should hang out at our café!"

"Woah! Really Kugisaki? You have a café?"

"Yeah! We have lots of cats there!"

"Wow! That's amazing! Fushiguro! You like cats?" Itadori asked his seatmate.

"I prefer dogs"

"Eh??? Cats are better!" The girl retorted.

"No, dogs are, Y/N-san even promised to give me one when I grow up" Megumi said, then his eyes widened slightly when he realized he just shared something to others, and most especially in front of the Itadori kid.

The pink haired kid's eyes sparkled.

"A dog! Will you show it to me if you got one, Fushiguro?"

Megumi only groaned and turned away from him.

"But who is Y/N-san? Is she your big sister?" The kid questioned and Megumi just deadpanned.

"She has the same name as my aunt!" He says. Megumi ignored him again.

"You always look grumpy, why don't you smile?" Kugisaki poked his shoulders.

"Please stop talking to me" he says.

Itadori and Kugisaki just looked at each other, then grinned. Whoever says that to them, it only translates to one thing: do the opposite.

"No way!" They both said at the same time.

"Alright, let's start the class" the teacher said, and Megumi could only thank the heavens they won't bother him for a while.

He mentally noted and swore he would tell Gojo later to transfer him to another class.

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