𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. there is always a first time

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Chapter 14: There is always a first time.

It was just another day for Y/N. Patients coming in, she checks them up, duty at the hospital, maybe visits or texts from Gojo and then the day ends and she goes home, just like her usual daily routine.

But today, after work, she decided to take a stroll in the park. Spring has finally ended, and it was already getting hot. Despite being happy around her nephew Yuji, her boyfriend Gojo and his son Megumi, Y/N still loved having alone time with herself.

When she reached the park, she stopped in front of a bench and took a seat. The sun was starting to set and she watched it peacefully. She had a good time appreciating the sky for a while, until someone sat next to her.

There was still a big space between them, but she got curious who sat next to her, so she looked at his direction.

"Are you married?" The man asked out of the blue.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at the stranger, he had a deep voice and he had a scar, it kind of scared her. Why on earth would he ask that to someone he doesn't know, and most especially to a woman?

"Excuse me?"

"Or rather, is Gojo Satoru married?"

His next words made Y/N even more confused, her hands were already reaching for the pepper spray in her bag, just in case this man is dangerous, even if there are lots of people around them.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want an answer to my question" the man says.

"Who are you and how did you know Gojo?"

The man just huffed. "Guess you and or him are not married yet" he said.

"That would be easier" he added then stood up and walked away.

"Hey! Who are you and what business do you have with Satoru?" She stood up and the man stopped in his tracks before smirking.

"A friend of his" then he left.

Y/N didn't hesitate to call Gojo immediately.

"Come on, pick it up" she walked fast to get home.

She repeated calling 'til she reached home. And finally after the fifth attempt, he finally picked up.

"Hi Y/N!"

"Thank God you picked up! I was worried!"

"Huh? Worried? Why? I just took a shower. Did you miss me that much?"

"No! Yes! I mean listen!"

Gojo sensed a sort of anxiousness in her voice, so he went serious.

"Y/N, you're worrying me, is there something wrong?"

"No, it's just that, some random man asked me a question about you and I thought you were in trouble or something"

"Random man? Did he hurt you? Y/N!"

"No, he didn't do anything to me" Y/N sat on her bed. "He just asked me the most random question...if you're married"

"Huh? Damn, is my charm that lethal? Even men wants me now?"

Y/N's worry suddenly vanished. She put her phone away from her ears, she blankly stared at a distance and then ended the call.

"The heck did I worry about?"

Suddenly her phone rang and rang until she sighed and picked it up.

"What?" She spoke, but the man behind the line just laughed.

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