𝙨𝙞𝙭. the reason why megumi ended up at the gojo household

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Chapter 6: The reason why Megumi ended up at the Gojo household.

"It was one rainy day... the clouds were dark, and it really was pouring"

"Nah, kidding aside it wasn't raining"


No, it was in fact, a sunny day.

A sunny day in summer's time, and the sun was scorching hot that people didn't bother going outside that time.

It was 10am already, yet Gojo was still curled up in his bed, hugging a huge cat pillow while peacefully sleeping as there was no work because it was a weekend.

He had a good time sleeping, not until a loud bang in his door abruptly woke up him up.

"What the—" he slowly stood up when the banging sound was still not stopping, he brushed his eyes off and went out of his room pissed off at whoever was disturbing him, but when he was near, it stopped.

He reached for his front door and slid it open, ready to throw complaints and show his wrath at the whoever the heck was disturbing his peaceful slumber, only to be met with no one.

"Why you—huh?" He blinked three times seeing no one was in front of him, that is, until a small voice spoke.

"Excuse me" the boy spoke. "Have you seen my father?"

Gojo's eyes slowly trailed down upon a small kid that's looking up at him, and his eyebrows furrowed when he saw a placard on his neck.

The placard goes this way...

"Name's Fushiguro Megumi. 4 years old. Leaving him to you as your payment for breaking my window and antique vase when you were his age" he read out loud. Then he seemed to process the words and then he remembered the last name.

"Toji..." he spat the name as if it was poison.

"Yes, I think that's his name" the boy spoke. Gojo looked down on him once again.

"He has a son?" he questioned.

"Why are you here alone?" he asked the child but the child only shrugged.

"He always leaves me alone" he replies. "He just dropped me off here and knocked loudly on that door" he pointed at his back. "Then says that someone behind there will take care of me, and that I should just stay in place until the door opens, then he just disappeared"

Gojo's eye twitched as he listened to the little boy's narratives.

"Did he ever mention that he will come back?" he asked.

"No..." the boy tilted his head.

"You're four years old?"



Gojo stared at the void, now all his tiredness and sleepiness went away in a snap.

"Alright, first come inside, it's so hot out here" he said and gestured for the boy to come inside, but he did not even make a step.

"Why aren't you coming?"

"Mama said before not to talk to strangers"

"Oh good, you have a mother, where is she then?"



"What the fuck?" he was so shocked at how the kid just blurted it out, he forgot he was in front of a kid.

"What's that?"

"Nothing! Don't remember that word!"


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