𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. what went wrong?

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Chapter 18: What went wrong?

Something's been wrong since the past few weeks. Y/N felt like Gojo has been distant with her. She tried to think what on earth happened, if she did something wrong or whatever that may have caused him to not communicate that much to her anymore.

His texts were short and sometimes she's left on read or worse, her messages never get read, which is definitely not him. Gojo didn't visit her often in her clinic, and she has not seen Megumi for a long time too.

Y/N kept on reaching out to him, but he does not reply, and it hurts her. There was no clinic duty for today, but she still came to review the patient's records.

"Y/N-san? Y/N-san" She snapped out of her thoughts when Nitta waved a hand in front of her face.


"You've been spacing out, you have a visitor" Hearing that she has a visitor, she suddenly had high hopes. She sat up straight, fixed her hair and smiled.

"Let them in" Nitta felt relieved her tone was now cheerful and proceeded to open the door for her visitor. Y/N stood up, hoping to see her significant other.

"Satoru! I missed y—Nanami?" Her hopes were crushed in a snap when it was not the person she expected to see.

Although they stayed friends, and not that she disliked him visiting, the tone of disappointment was still evident in her voice.

"Y/N, I just stopped by here to give this"

Nitta went outside and left the both of them.

Y/N's smile suddenly vanished as she unconsciously sat back on her chair, all her energy drained.

"Are you alright?"

Y/N snapped out of her trance and looked at Nanami who was handing her an envelope.

"Sorry, sorry please don't mind me." She tried to smile. "What is this?"

"It's an invitation for our university's grand reunion, your classmate was our company's branch physician, and told me to give it to you"

Y/N accepted the letter. "Thank you, Nanami" she said and opened the envelope and read the invitation.

"I'm afraid I could not attend this" she said.

"It's okay" he said, then there was a short moment of silence between them.

"But Y/N, you're not okay" Nanami broke the silence.

Y/N looked up to him, surprised. "I'm okay, what are you talking about?"

"You were expecting someone to come instead of me, right?"

Y/N went silent. Why is it that he can still see through her? She suddenly felt emotional, and was holding back her tears.

'No, I can't cry in front of him'

"N-no, it's nothing Nanami, I'm complete okay" she said.

"Y/N" he mentioned. "Did something bad happened?"

Y/N shook her head. "No, nothing happened"

Nanami just furrowed his eyebrows.

"Was it Gojo?"

Y/N's eyes widened.

"It's him, isn't it?"

"No, it's not"

"Did he hurt you?"

There was a lump in Y/N's throat, she was definitely in the verge of crying.

"Y/N, what did he do?" The moment he said those words, a tear fell from her eye and she hated herself so much for letting a tear escape, especially in front Nanami.

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