𝙩𝙬𝙤. i just actually want to see you

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Chapter 2: I just actually want to see you

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Chapter 2: I just actually want to see you.

Two days after the incident, Gojo once again showed up in Y/N's clinic, holding Megumi's hand beside him. Y/N stopped writing as she looked up to see who came in.

"Gojo-san, Megumi-kun" she curtly smiled. "You're back" She stood up and went to the boy. "Is his fever still not going down?" She asked, and Nitta just shook her head as she handed the records to Y/N, Nitta had checked his temperature five minutes earlier.

"No, actually he is now really well thanks to you, doctor!" Gojo exclaimed and grinned.

"Please have a sit Gojo-san, Megumi-kun can you climb up the bed?" The boy just nodded and climbed the bed himself.

"He's so cute" she unconsciously said and smiled.

"Right?" Gojo agreed which made Y/N surprised she actually said that out loud, so she cleared her throat before speaking.

"I'm going to start checking up your ears, eyes, and throat, okay?" She said and picked up a small flashlight and started the check-up.

"I just thought I should bring him here for follow up!" Gojo exclaimed as he watches her carefully check up Megumi, he couldn't help but stare at her and follow her movements.

"Say ahh" she said and Megumi just did as he was told. Gojo is still amazed at how he doesn't grumble or give a sort of attitude towards her, unlike to him. After all, his "son" isn't a people person.

"You're all good, Megumi, just eat lots of healthy food and vitamins so you'll grow even stronger, alright?" She smiled but the boy didn't respond.

"Just like me!" Gojo commented and pointed at himself. "I'm strong"

Y/N almost side-eyed him. 'He blurts out the most random comments.'

"I guess...just like your dad" Y/N said, in order to console the child. But to her surprise, the child replied:

"He's not my dad"

Y/N had wondered why he wasn't speaking ever since he came here earlier, and thought maybe he's just shy or something, but for the first time, Y/N had heard his voice. She found him too cute even though he just had a blank stare.

"What?" Gojo gasped. "You hurt me, Megumiii" Y/N almost gave out a snort.

'They sure are an odd pair of father and son'.

"Well, if he took care of you, he can still be your dad" Y/N tried to console and Megumi tilted his head up to look at her.

"You took care of me, are you my mom then?" These words made Y/N's eyes widened and sweat dropped.

'This kid sure has a sharp tongue.'

"Hey Megumi, don't talk like that, she saved your life" Gojo tried to scold him.

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