𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚. maybe i shouldn't have asked today

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Chapter 9: Maybe I shouldn't have asked today.

Gojo never felt nervous in his entire life, he was too good at everything that he is confident in everything he does.

But Gojo Satoru is also human.

And for the first time in his life, he's nervous, excited, worried, mixed emotions as he looks at Y/N talking to him.

They are now hanging out in a restaurant by the beach. Nope, they have no plans on swimming, they wanted just to enjoy the beach view and see the sunset.

They have been talking about various things, they were having a really good time, they joke around with each other too, but all the while, at the back of Gojo's mind was to find the right timing.

"Look Gojo, that's a really cute turtle" Y/N pointed out. They have now decided to walk on the shore.

"It's a baby" Y/N cooed then looked sad. "I hope he survives" she says then they started walking again.

Gojo found her cute, but everything in his mind is going shambles he didn't notice he is taking her hand.

Y/N's eyes widened at his sudden gesture and stopped walking. Gojo also stopped walking.

Y/N looked down on his hand that's holding hers.

"Y/N" he started, and cleared his throat as he faced her.

"We've been going out a lot... and I know to myself, that I really like you" he paused and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"I really like you, Y/N" he said seriously.

Y/N's heart beat fast as she was anticipating what words will he say next. She had this coming, but she was still surprised when it's already the real thing.

"So right now, I wanna ask you Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

There he finally asked the question to her. His heart was beating fast, what if she rejects him? He was confident she wouldn't, but what if she's just leading him on? Is this really the right timing to ask her?

Lots of questions surrounded his mind, and his heart beat even faster when Y/N opened her mouth and was about to speak.

"Gojo, I..."

But suddenly, someone mentioned her name which caught her attention and interrupted whatever she was going to say.


Both Gojo and Y/N turned to look at the man who spoke her name. Gojo recognized who it was, and Y/N most definitely did too, but shock was written all over her face.

Gojo was about to greet him, but Y/N spoke first.


Y/N felt like her perfect world earlier suddenly crashed upon seeing the man in front of her. Why does it have to be today of all days?

"It's been so long" he said.

Y/N swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Y-yeah" she almost cursed at herself for stuttering. "You're back... huh"

'Why are you back and why would you suddenly show yourself to me like this?'

Gojo on the other hand, was confused, especially when Y/N's grip on his hand tightened.

"Gojo-san" The man finally recognized, and his eyes somehow glanced at his hand that was holding Y/N's.

"Nanami, I haven't seen you in three years" Gojo said.

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