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This is my very first story so please tell me if it's bad I would really appreciate it.



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(That's you btw)

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(That's you btw)

Y/n Hopper. 13. Fighter. Smart ass. Funny. Chill. Death stares a LOT of people. Really pretty. All the boys like you.

Vance Hopper. 15. Fighter. Rude. Death stares a lot of people. Really cute. A LOT of girls drool over him. Your brother.

(You and Vance's parents were both VERY hot so you both got their perfections)

Robin Arellano. 14. Fighter. Dumb ass. Funny. Chill. Death stares anyone that bothers people he cares for. Really cute. All the girls like him. Your bsf.

Finney Blake. 14. Non fighter. Smart ass. Funny. Chill. Death stares not his thing. A few girls like him. Your bsf.

Gwen Blake. 12. Only fights when needed. Smart ass. Funny. Chill. Only death stares when called for. A few boys like her. You bsf.

Bruce Yamada. 14. Non fighter. Smart ass. Funny. Chill asf. Only death stares when needed. A lot of girls like him. You bsf.

Danna(idk her last name😭). 13. Non fighter. Smart ass. Funny. Chill. Death stares people that bother her or someone else. A lot of boys like her. Your bsf.

Billy Sharwalter. 14. "Fighter". Dumb ass. Not funny. Annoying. Death stares a lot. A lot of girls like him. Your ex.


Your dad left to get the milk when you were born
So it was just your mom Vance and You but when you turned 9 your mom left in the middle of the night so now it's just you and Vance.

Your birthday is coming up soon so you'll be 14.

Anyways ima start the story now🤭😘.

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