The blond. By - Tv Girl.

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"Okay I'll show you two your rooms and then we can bring in all your stuff." Taylor said as we walked upstairs.

"Okay, thank you." I said. "Yeah. Thanks." Vance said clearly sarcastically. "Okay well moving on... Y/n this is your room, now let's go to your room Vance." Taylor said then left with Vance.

"Wow your room is huge- Are you joking. You have your own bathroom!" Robin said going into my bathroom. "Wait I do?" I asked then went over.

"Oh-em-gee I do!" I said smiling. I went over to my closet and opened the door. "This closet is fucking huge." I said. "Yeah no kidding." Robin said walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around mine.

"I'm not so sure about staying here anymore Robin. It seemed okay before but now that it's happening I'm nervous." I said holding onto his arms. "It'll be okay amor. If you ever wanna get away from this place just come to my place." Robin said.

"Yeah, thanks." I said smiling. "C'mon let's go get your stuff." Robin said let go of me and headed downstairs and I followed. The dogs went running up the stairs and into my room. I noticed Vance's door closed.

"Gimme a sec, I'm ganna check on Vance." I said running back up the stairs and over to Vance's room. I knocked twice and then opened the door. "Vance?"

"What Y/n?" Vance said as his voice cracked, his knees were pulled up to his chest and his arms were covering his face. "Vance... are you okay?" I asked getting in my knees next to him.

"No Y/n I'm not, I'm actually not. I don't wanna be here. I wanna go back to us being on our own. I can't take it here already. I mean you have Robin to be here for you and all I have is fucking oxygen." Vance snapped as he started crying harder.

"Aww Vance, cmere." I said pulling his into me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my chest. "This isn't like you to cry Vance. I didn't know it would be this hard for you." I said kissing the top of his head, I felt bad I really did.

"Yeah well it is." Vance said. "Mm, cmon let's go get our stuff." I said. "K, also we NEVER speak of this got it." Vance said wiping his face with tissue. "Got it big boy, now cmon." I said walking downstairs.

"Hey. Nice of you to join us." Robin said smiling. "Thanks." I said laughing a bit. I took two boxes upstairs to my room and sat them by the door. I got more stuff till we where done.

       *time skip to after unpacking and all dat shit*

"I'm ganna go shower real quick." I said getting off my bed and going to my closet to grab clothes. I got under wears and clothes. I went to my bathroom and showered real quick. I washed my hair, and body. Shaved and used my face soap. them got out.

I got dressed into this👇🏼

Black leggings with a loose long sleeve crop top

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Black leggings with a loose long sleeve crop top. You could see my bra strap but it's wtv.

I threw my hair into a low ponytail and left to my room. "Finally, you took foreeever." Robin said walking over to me and picking me up like a child. "Yeah well I wasn't that long." I said wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I love you." Robin said pecking my lips. "I love you too." I said kissing him. He kissed back and walked us over to my bed and sat down laying me on his lap. We ended up making out for 7 minutes, if you count breath breaks.

I was laying down watching tv and Robin was laying at my feet his head in between my thighs. We were watching 'Family Reunion'. It's the mf bomb tbh.

We ended up falling asleep after probably 1 hour.



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Best of all bedroom!_________________________________

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Best of all bedroom!

writers block is ASS yall😔😭🙏

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now