"See you around mi amor"

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"Y/N GET YOUR ASS UP" Vance said hitting you with a pillow  "OKAY.. okay I'm up" you said getting a pillow and hitting him back  "alright get out so I can change loser" you say getting out of bed "okay" he said leaving and closing the door. You get changed into this

                                  |Your Fit|

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                                  |Your Fit|

                                  |Your Fit|

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                               |Your Hair|

You go to your vanity and put on a bit of highlighter on your nose and some mascara on your lashes with some peach tint clear lip gloss.
You check yourself out in the mirror and go downstairs.
"Alright let's go" you say to Vance as you grab your bag and open the door.
While you guys are walking to School you hear people yelling "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" so you guys looked at each other and ran over to check it out. To no surprise it's Moose and Robin.

Should've known.

"I will beat you like a nail you scrawny little b3aner" Moose said acting all big and buff
"Then do it.... Unless your scared" Robin said and with that Moose swung and Robin dodged and punched Moose causing him to fall into the pole and Robin kicked him in the face. Eww he's got blood all over his face you thought to yourself. Just then Robin started walking away and Moose tackled Robin. Oh shit. Vance dropped his bag at your feet and ran up to Moose and punched him. Robin and Vance have been friends for a while now. Robin and Vance both start kicking the shit out of him. Me and Gwen seen each other and we both knew exactly what to do. We both went up to them and I got Vance and Gwen grabbed Robin and we dragged them away from the crowd.

"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N" Vance yelled at you once you got them to the bathroom.
"Yeah your welcome" you say to Vance as you get into your bag to get your first aid kit. You wrap up Vance and Gwen and him leave the bathroom leaving you are Robin alone. Robin sits on the counter and you get between his legs and wrap up his knuckles. You fold a piece of paper towel and put it on his knuckles and wrap the rest. "Moose got some damn sharp teeth" he says watching you focus. "I can tell" you say laughing a little.

                                |Robins Pov|

She looks so hot when she's focused. Wait...I cant think that. She's my best friend and so is her big brother. Shit. I thought to myself looking at her.

                                   |Y/n's Pov|

You finished up and looked at Robin "All bandaged up" I said putting the bandage stuff into the trash and first aid kid. Robin got off the counter and came over to me. "Thanks Y/n... it actually holds too" he said opening and closing his hand "well duh I have a brother who gets into fights so do I so yeah" you said looking into his eyes.
We made eye contact and he leaned in pressing a soft kiss on my lips which ofc I kissed him back and then we pulled apart. "See you around mi amor" he said letting go of your hand and walking to the door "what did you just say" you asked grabbing your bag and looking at him "nothing" he said grabbing the door handle "okay see you later Robin" you said as he walked out.

I don't think he knows I know what he said...

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for reading. I'm making this for fun. Just using my ideas of what I think it would be like then and with Robin. Also I'm not good at too English I'm Mexican so if I spell or say any words wrong please let me know. Anyways I will try and update multiple times a day or once every day. By pookie😘. 663 words.

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now