Cry - Cigaretts after sex.

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I woke up to someone rubbing their thumb along the side of my stomach. They were singing in a whisper... I opened my eyes and it was Robin.

"Good morning Rob." I said smiling stretching a little.

"Oh, good morning Amor." Robin said getting up out of bed.

"Wanna go to the Grab N Go?" I asked getting up going over to my closet.

"Yeah sure." Robin said. I went to the bathroom and got changed.

 I went to the bathroom and got changed

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That's what I wore (without the Banda...for now)
I went back to my room and Robin was going through some of my old photos.

"Rob? Wacha doin?" I asked him.

"Oh just looking at some pictures of you as a kid" Robin said smiling at the pictures. He was holding 3 pictures in particular. I sat next to Robin looked at the pictures with him.

"These ones are adorable." Robin said teasing me.

"Nuh uh, Robin stop." I said trying to get the pictures. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder.

 He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder

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Just like this. Robin gave me the pictures and I looked at them.

 Robin gave me the pictures and I looked at them

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These pictures.

"I miss when me and Vance were we barely hang out." I said sad a little.

"Well he loves you Y/n. He loves you so much, when we were in the hospital he actually punched me for asking what'll happen if you never want up." He said laughing softly.

"Aww- wait he did what!" I asked looking at him.

"It's fine it didn't hurt that much." Robin said.

"Mmhm sure." I said turning around putting the photos up. I stood up and noticed Robins Banda on my night stand. I picked it up and gave it to him then sat on my bed.

"You should wear it." Robin said handing it to me.

"You sure?" I asked taking it.

"Yeah." Robin said smiling. I put it on and he adjusted it on my head.

"It's looks perfect." Robin said giving me little kiss on the lips.

"Thanks." I said smiling looking in his eyes.

"Of course. Wanna head to the grab n go now?" He asked walking over to my door.

"Of course." I said going to my door aswell. We went downstairs and left.

We walked to grab n go while talking about random stuff, like movies, colors, and foods.

We made it to the grab n go and Robin opened the door for me.

"Thanks." I said

"Of course." Robin said we walked over to the slushys and got us each a slushy. Robin got Red and I got Blue.

We also grabbed some chips and candy. We checked out and he paid. We left the store.

"Where should we go?" I asked.

"I don't know... what about Walmart? I need to get some stuff anyway." Robin said.

"Oh really mind if we join?" Gwen asked while holding Bruce's hand.

"OMG GWEN YOU SCARED ME!" I yelled laughing.

"Oh sorry." Gwen said laughing a bit.

"Yeah you guys can come." Robin said.

"We were heading to your house to get you guys but... yeah" Donna said running up with Finn while moving her hands in between me and Robin.

"Oh well let's head to Walmart" I said as we all started walking. We made it there about two minutes later.

Robin got a cart and me and Gwen looked at each other.

"Can we get in?" Gwen asked Robin.

"What? Why?" Robin asked surprised.

"Because it's way better than walking." I said.

"Fine hurry up." Robin said. Gwen got in the I got in after her.

"Y'all are weird." Donna said laughing.

"Thanks." I said getting comfortable with Gwen.

Robin took us over to the blanket and comforter isle.

I seen some stuffed animals with matching blankets right behind me and Gwen. I reached over and grabbed a spider man one, Gwen grabbed a baby yoda one.

Me and Gwen cuddled the stuffed animals.

"Okay wich one should I get corazón?" Robin asked showing me two comforters.

"Mmm that one." I said pointing to the grey one.

"Okay" Robin said putting it at the bottom of the cart. (The little spot at the bottom under the actual cart... yk?)

We got a few more things and then left.

We got out all the stuff and carried it, we walked home and talked about random stuff.

"I still can't believe yall skipped school. Won't you dad be mad?" I asked Gwen and Finn.

"OMG! I HAVENT THOUGHT IF THAT! FINN WE NEED TI GO NOW!" Gwen basically screamed as she began running to the direction of school with Finn following her.

"Oh my lords their ganna be the death of me." I said laughing.

"Yeaaah well... we should get going to school aswell. Bye guys!" Donna said as her and Bruce ran off to school aswell.

"Well it's just us now... when we get home can we go swimming?" Robin asked as we continued to walk home.

"Of course." I said smiling at him.

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