Pain. (SIKE I LIED im not done writing)

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Those are the pjs I put on

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Those are the pjs I put on.

I went to bed right after because I was so exhausted.

*time skip to the morning*

I woke up to Vance jumping on my bed yelling

"Y/N WAKEE UPP!!" While jumping on my bed.

"IM UP get your big fat ass off my bed" I said rudely getting up as my brother got off my bed.

"Thanks I know I have a bigger ass that you!" He yelled running down the hall to his room as I grabbed a book throwing it at him, it hit him in the butt and he yelled.

"HEY THATS RUDE BITCH!" He yelled at me as I went to my room and got clothes so I could shower.

I just put together an outfit because I don't feel like doing shit this morning and my stitches are hurting

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I just put together an outfit because I don't feel like doing shit this morning and my stitches are hurting.

I went and took a quick shower, I washed my hair, body, and brushed my teeth.

I got out and dried off then got in my clothes.

I wear glasses so I put those on because my head was killing me. (That's what I do when my head or eyes hurt)

I blow dried my hair and straightened it then went to the kitchen and got a cup. (The one in the photo)

I put ice and water in it then grabbed my bag.

"VANCE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE." I yelled as he ran down the stairs.

"Sorry let's go" he said opening the door for me.

We both left and walked to school.

I was in constant pain because my stitches but it was fine.

That's what I thought at least.

We made it to school and I seen Robin, Gwen, and Finny.

"Hey guys" I said happily hugging Gwen then Finn then Robin.

I gave Robin a peck on the lips and he smiled and blushed a little.

He so cute when he blushes.

We headed to our first periods.

I had Math first. The WORST class.

I sat in the back because everyone was staring at me.

Robin has the same class do he came over to me.

"Can I sit here?" He asked smiling.

"Of course" I said smiling, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and then got his bag and put it on the back of his chair.

A boy came and sat in the other seat next to me, he put his hand on my thigh.

I pushed off his hand and he put it right back but higher this time.

"Will you stop" I whispered to him.

"No, Will you stop. Also I want you to meet me in the bathroom after class." He said patting his lap.

I knew exactly what that meant. I took Robin hand and held it putting it in my lap hoping he'd feel the boys hand.

I was looking at Robin uncomfortable bc of the boy. Robin looked over at me because he felt his hand.

He immediately took his hand off my thigh and put my legs on his lap carefully.

He rubbed my thigh and went back to listening to the teacher.

He wasn't actually and I knew that. He's horrible at math but whatever.

Class finally ended after what seemed like forever and me and Robin left class holding hands.

The boy came up to us.

"Hey beautiful... wanna come hang out with me? Skip this hour?" He asked, I just picked up my hand showing him that I'm holding Robins hand and walked off.

"Who the hell is he?!" Robin asked upset a little.

"Babe it's fine. I'm don't know who he is but he's not someone I wanna know." I said smiling at him since we were at our classes.

"Bye Amor love you" he said kissing my lips gently. He went to his class and I went to mine.

I went and took a seat my Vance sence we were in the same class.

"You look like shit" he said chewing on the eraser of his pencil.

"Well my ass is still bigger and yours. Do are my balls asshole" I said annoyed as hell. I hate this class.

Science. (I fr do tho I don't fw it)

"God. Guess you got no dick from Arellano this morning." He said looking at me. I reached over and slapped his hard as hell.

"Don't fucking talk about Tobin or me like that Vance Hopper!" I said getting up and grabbing my bag then leaving.

"MISS HOPPER YOU CANT LEAVE MY CLASS" The teacher yelled at me. But I didn't listen to the bitch.

I left school and went to the bleachers at the baseball field.

I went up to the top and sat down.

I opened my bag and got my pencil sharpener out.


I took the blade out of the pencil sharpener and pulled up my left sleeve.

I cut myself about 8 times and my arm was bleeding really badly. I didn't have my first aid kit either. Idk why it's gone.

I put my sleeve down and went to next hour because the bell just rung.

I finished the rest of the day normally but Vance kept death staring me. His face was bruised a little from how hard I slapped him.

I'll apologize at home.

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now