"I will always put you first"

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*Robins Pov*

Y/n fell asleep a few hours ago and I'm sitting next to her with my knees up to my chest and my arms wrapped around my legs looking at the wall. it's dark outside, I can't help but feel regret. Regret that I couldn't fight the Grabber. I was lost in my thought's when the phone started ringing. I got up and walked over to the phone and picked it up and put it to my ear "Hello?" I asked but no response "Hello" I asked a stern still no response so I hung up and started walking back twords the bed but it started ringing again.
This fucking phone man.
I went over and picked it up "Hello" I asked putting one of my hands on the phone box "Hello" a voice replied "who is this" I asked standing up straight "I don't remember" I recognize that voice "Alexander?" I asked as my eyes widened "Ye-Yeah I'm Alexander" he said "how..how am I talking to you right now" I asked him "The phone. It has a connection so you can talk to the Grabbers victims" he said "I miss you Alex" I said looking over at Y/n then at my feet and put my head on the phone box "I miss you too Rob.. but you look like shit" he said chuckling at the end "Hey you probably do too" I said laughing a little "I see you finally got with Y/n" he said "how do you know" I asked confused as fuck "I've been watching you,I'm with you Rob" he said "well that's not creepy as fuck" I said laughing a little "sorry" he said laughing "hey Rob" "yeah" " I tore a long cable loose along the wall infront of you, use it to get out... I love you brother" "Where are you going" I asked "The Grabber is about to come down, I have to go" he said "Okay bye Alex" I said "Bye Rob" he said and with that I hung up and walked over to Y/n and sat back down as I was before. Y/n sat up and looked around.

*Y/n Pov*

I woke up and looked around the room it wasn't blurry anymore. I looked next to me and seen Robin "ROBIN" I said hugging him and he hugged me back. "Are you okay Amor" he asked looking at me in the eyes with his hands on my shoulders " I'm fine, are you okay" I asked putting my hands on the sides of his face "I'm fine" he said looking at me in eyes when all of a sudden the door opened and the Grabber came in with two plates of eggs and two sodas on a tray in his hands "I brought you food, though you'd be kinda hungry" he said looking at Robin then me then Robin "what'd you put in it" I said turning to face him as he set the food down on the floor "Salt and pepper" he said looking at me "ooh eat it don't eat it.. your already down here... what do I need to drug you for" he said walking to the door "I just wanted to say I'm sorry about all this.. I wasn't expecting to get both of you but it seems you are never apart. I've been watching you Y/n.. watching you walk to and from school, watching you go to the Grab N Go, watching you change thru your window, watching yo-" Robin cut him off "You've been WHAT" he said getting up from the bed and standing up balling his fist "oh watching her go to the Grab N Go" he said looking at Robin "You know what I mean ass hole" Robin said death staring the Grabber "Oh..oh I've been watching her change thru her window, might I say she has some nice boobs" he said laughing creepily. I got up and hid behind Robin because well I feel safe plus he's talking about my BOOBS. "Oh they are so nice I bet they feel good too" he said opening and closing his hands as if he was squeezing boobs "HIJO DE MADRE, TE MATARÉ AQUÍ AHORA MISMO SI SIGUES DICIENDO ESA MIERDA, ESO ES FALTAR EL RESPETO A UNA MUJER, JACK ASS" Robin yelled as he tried to attack the Grabber but I was holding onto his arms pulling him back because who knows what this guy is capable of. "IM FINE I'm fine" Robin said calming down as I let good him and stayed behind him "Ooh feisty" the Grabber said in a high pitch voice "I'm ganna go seems I'm not wanted here" the Grabber said walking over to the door and walking out closing and locking it behind him. "Rob..are you okay?" I asked turning Robin to face me "yeah I'm fine it's just...he Kidnapped us, followed you around town, and watch you thru your window like that's sick" he said sitting in the bed "well at least he didn't do anything to us, like kill us or rape us" I said sitting next to Robin and putting my head on his shoulder "Y/n we're gonna get out, I'm gonna get you out" he said looking at me as I raised my head up to look at him "Thank you Rob" I said "I Will always put you first".

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