K. By - Cigarettes After Sex.

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I woke up to Robin snoring. "Robin shut the fuck up." I said slapping his arm because my head was killing me.

"God Y/n. Stop yelling." Robin snapped at me, I guess his head hurt too. "God want some Tylenol?" Robin asked as we both got up.

"Yes please." I said giving him a quick loving kiss on the lips then grabbing his hoodie that he gave me last night putting it on so I'm decent.

"I'll go get the medicine you stay in here mi amor." Robin said leaving. I decided to get the record he had on last night and put it up carefully. I got a STRONG
Whiff of food that smelt amazing!

Robin opened the door with a tray in his hands that has two plates on it. "Okay so my Tio made us some Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and got us some orange juice." Robin said smiling at me.

"Aww how sweet of him. Thank you!" I said sitting on the bed as Robin gave me a glass in water and some Tylenol. Robin sat next to me and put the tray infront of us.

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are mi amor?" Robin asked smiling at me while moving a strand of my hair behind my ear. "No but thank you." I said smiling at him then eating. We took our meds and finished eating.

"Wanna see if we can hang out with Finn and Gwen?" Robin asked gathering all the stuff to take back to the kitchen. "Of course." I said smiling. Robin took the stuff to the kitchen, I went over to his window and sat in it. (He has a window seat)

"Okay wanna go to your house so you can get dressed?" Robin asked. "Yes please." I said getting up. I got all my stuff and put my shoes in. We left Robins room. "Wassup you two. Good morning sweetheart" Robins Tio said as I hugged him.

"We're heading to Y/n's then probably the Blake's." Robin said. "Okay you two be safe, please." Robins Tio said and then we left. "Well at least he didn't say anything about sex this time." I said chuckling.

"Yeah. Wait- isn't your aunt Taylor supposed to be over today?" Robin asked stopping his walking. "Wait. ITS THURSDAY!" I yelled then began running to my house with Robin following me. We seen a U-Haul there.

We ran into the house and I seen Vance, a blonde haired woman, and a brown haired man. "Uhh. Hi." I said waving nervously. I went and sat next to Vance and Robin sat next to me. "Hi Y/n. I'm Taylor." Taylor said holding out her hand.

"Hi nice to meet you." I said shaking her hand then leaning into Robin. "So are you guys excited?" Taylor asked. "Sure." Vance said. "Yeah." I said. "Okay, we'll do you two wanna go ahead and pack and the get your stuff we can start loading it." Taylor said.

"Okay." Me and Vance said at the same time. Me and Robin went to my room. I got my suitcases out from under my bed.

 I got my suitcases out from under my bed

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"Here want me to put your tops in here?" Robin asked opening a suitcase. "Yes please. Thank you." I said as Taylors who I'm guessing boyfriend brought me a ton of boxes.

   -Time skip to after packing and loading all our stuff-

"Alright you three hop in the car." Taylor said. Her boyfriend is driving the U-Haul. We all got in and rode to her- our house. 'It's so weird to think that we are moving in with a lady we don't even know. How do we trust her tho.' I thought to myself. I layed my head on Robins shoulder and he took my hand into his.

We stayed like that till we got to the house. When we finally arrived I was so shocked by how big the house was.

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now