Billy (short chapter)

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We got home and Robin carried my bag upstairs to my room and I followed him. He put my bag on my desk chair and we sat the end of my bed.

"Wanna call Finny and Gwen to see if they wanna go on a walk?" I asked Robin

"Yeah why not" he said as we both got up, I went over to my drawer and got a little book I keep my friends phone numbers in. I looked for the Blake's and found it so I went outside my door and called.

"Hey y/n" Gwen said

"Hey Gwen do you and Finny wanna go on a walk with me and Robin?" I asked

"Yeah sure why not, we over in a few." Gwen said then hung up

About five minutes later we heard a knock on the door.

I went and answered it.

"Hey, yall ready?" Finny asked

"Yeah, cmon Robin" I said walking out the door as Robin followed and closed my front door.

"Where should we go?" I asked

"I don't know, the grab n go then maybe the park?" Gwen suggested

"Yeah that sounds fun" I said as I heard someone run up behind me.

"THE HELL" I screamed as Billy grabbed my arm

"SORRY.. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just wondering how your doing" he said looking me in the eyes

"Fine I guess.. what do want Billy" I asked annoyed

"Mmm.. well I was wondering if you would date me again?" He said putting his hands on my arms

"Why the hell would I do that" I said death staring him

"BILLY! GET THE FYCK AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Vance practically screamed at Billy.

Billy and I dated before but used me, he used my popularity, body, and love. He said I was a dumb dare so Vance beat the shit out of him and bout killed him.

Billy ran off and Vance came over and hugged me. I hate talking to Billy because he's so nice and I fall for a lot of stuff he says.

We continued walking and Robin gently took my hand giving me time to pull it away. We held hands all the way to the grab n go then went inside and looked for snacks, Vance went over to the pin ball machine and started playing.

We all got snacks and I got Vance a snack, his favorite candy is sweet tart ropes. I got Vance then we payed and left.

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now