The calls are real...

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I'm so sorry I haven't been posting lately Pookies __________________________________

                                   |Y/N Pov|

The phone started ringing and me and Robin jumped considering what just happened wouldnt anyone do that

I quickly picked up the phone and put it up to my ear

"Hello?" I asked

"Don't go upstairs" a voice plainly said

"What, why not?" I asked as Robin put his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder behind me

"It's a trap" the voice said

"Who is this? One of the missing boys?" A asked putting my free hand on Robins arms

"I don't remember who I am" the voice replied

"Well did you play any sports Baseball, Socker?" I asked trying to get answers

"We don't play sports here.. I delivered news papers" the voice said

Griffin Stag....

"Griffin.. your Griffin Stag your were the paper boy... I knew you" I said as Robin took my hand into his

"Maybe" Griffin said

"What happened to you?" I asked

"Don't. Go. Upstairs." He said sharply

"What's he doing up there" Robin asked looking over to the door then putting his head back on my shoulder

"He's waiting... On the other side with that fucking belt. He didn't say you can leave, so if you try, he'll punish you. He'll beat you with that belt until you pass out. It hurts, kids. It hurts real bad. You'll cry, you'll beg him to stop.
We all did, but he just keeps beating you," he said sounding like talking abt it bothers him

The phone hung up and Robin let go and stood infront of me looking as confused as I did

"Griffin? Hello?" I asked

No answer

I put the phone on the stand. I needed to know what he was doing so I'm taking a huge risk but is it worth it? I wondered

YES yes it i, if it can get me and Robin out or maybe just Robin I'll risk it I told myself in my head.

I headed over to the door and grabbed the handle "Y/n? What are you doing, didn't you hear Griffin it's to Dangerous" he said looking at me while sitting on the edge of the so called bed "It's fine Robin I'm just going to peak I promise" I told him as I turned the handle and she shook his head 'yes' for I assume okay.

I opened the heavy door and walked up the stair case and looked thru the door frame with no door, hmm weird. I seen the Grabber sitting with a belt in his hand like Griffin described, but he wasn't wearing a shirt and he had a different mask, this one was mad?. What a weirdo... and pedo. I thought to myself.

I headed back downstairs to Robin and closed the door very quietly and carefully. Robin was eating one of the plates of eggs on the floor so I sat next to him and he scooted the other plate and drink tords me and I took it and began to eat. We finished and went to lay down.

I wanted to keep digging but I didn't wanna risk it, our bodies are tired and need actual food and rest not to mention if he sees what we did to the floor where we dug the hole he'd probably kill us right then and there, Robin fell asleep fast as hell but I couldn't sleep.

I decided to try and find a way out of the window and how to reach it.

Then the phone rang.

I answered.

"You said my name was Griffin"  Griffin said

"Griffin Stag"  I said

"Don't call me that" He said as one of the now empty glass bottles that had our pop/soda in it moved

"I don't remember it, that's not who I am anymore" he said

"Okay, what do you want me to call you then?" I asked as the bottle flipped to its side

"I told you, I was a paper boy" Griffin snapped

"Okay Paperboy" I said nodding.

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now