"Fuck with y/n you fuck with me"

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I seen someone fighting Moose... it's was Robin. But why. Robin was on top of Moose punching the fuck out of his face then he got up and said "Fuck with y/n you fuck with me" then he walked off into the bathroom so I followed him. "Robin.. are you okay" I asked seeing him washing his hands "yeah yeah I'm fine" he said looking at you with guilt. "No something's wrong.. tell me please" I said walking over to him and grabbing my first aid kit. "We'll I just fought Moose for the second time today" he said as you began wrapping his hands "why" I ask in a serious tone "why what" he asked looking at you "why'd you fight him" I ask finishing up his left hand and looking at him. "Because I did" he said opening and closing his hand "Robin..why" I ask taking his right hand and starting on it "because of what he did to you" he said looking at you and you looked at him "you did" you ask finishing his right hand "yeah" he said putting his hands on your waist. He leaned in and so did you he picked you up and put you on the counter still kissing you. You guys ended up making out for like two minutes before you both pulled apart catching y'all's breath. "Y/n I have to tell you...something" Robin said "what is it" I ask looking into his eyes and he stands in between my legs. "I really,really like you Y/n like a lot" he said resting his hands on the sides of my thighs "I really like you too Robin" I said as Robin begins moving his thumbs to rub my thighs "Y/n..will you maybe be my..girlfriend" he asked nervously. God he's so cute when he's nervous. "Yeah..of course I will Robin" I said putting my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he put his arms under my butt and picked me up. I put my head on his shoulder and he did the same "Wanna go to the park after school" I asked him "yeah why not" Robin replied and with that the bell went off for class. He put the down and we let go "I'll see you later Princesa" he said giving me a kiss on the head and leaving the bathroom but right after he leaves Moose comes in "hey babe..you miss me".
Well shit...

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now