Grabbed by the Grabber

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"No Moose now can you please move so I can get to class" I said as he stands infront of the door so I can't leave. "C'mon Y/n you know you like me" he said smiling and crossing his arms. " Moose you don't get it.. I was trying to help Vance and Robin not get in trouble" I said putting my bag on my shoulder. "C'mon baby.. don't lie to me" he said walking over to me. He started to lean in so I punched him right in his nose so backed up and grabbed his nose. "YOU BITCH..WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO TO MY NOSE" he yelled at me while holding his nose. I kicked him in his so called balls and he grabbed his balls "YOU LITTLE FUCK" he yelled so i punched him in his face twice then kicked him in his stomach making him fall into the wall so I punched him again and he ended up hitting his head on the wall and fell so I got on top of his stomach and started punching the shit out of his face.... That was till someone came in there.
" Y/N" Vance yelled coming over and getting me off Moose. "WHAT THE FUCK VANCE" I practically screamed at him and I never screamed at anyone before so he let me go and put his hands up stepping back a few steps. A lot of people had came to the bathroom (all genders bathroom) even Robin,Donna, and Finney. Everyone was just staring at what they seen which was Vance a few steps away with his hands up and Moose with blood all over and around him then me with blood all over my face and pants and shirt but my hands had so much blood..most was mine. Vance was never scared of anyone or anything but why was he scared of me? What did he see. I looked at Moose then Vance then everybody that was there near and at the door... what did I do? I looked in the mirror and seen that I had a lot of blood all over me and a cut on my face, I looked at Moose and seen a rocket ship pocket knife in his hand. I looked back at the mirror and I started walking towards the door and everybody moved so fast to get out of my way.
But why?
I walked out the doors of my school and went to the park to be alone. I went over and sat on the swings, I stayed there for hours. I had a few snacks in my backpack and two water bottles so I was okay. But it was pretty chilly so I was kinda cold. The sound of birds chirping and the trees blowing in the wind was so peaceful, I like being alone with no one around...well maybe I wouldn't mind a little comfort from someone. All of a sudden I heard footsteps from behind me so I turned around really was just Robin.
"Hey..can I hang out with you" Robin said softly "yeah go ahead" I said motioning to the swing next to me. He sat down and we just swung on the swings for a little laughing and having fun. "Hey Y/n what happened in the bathroom earlier" Robin asked as the stopped swinging to sit down "well uhm.. Moose had uhm tried to kiss me so I punched him..but I had a reason in my defense" I said looking over at Robin as he looked at me "I'm so sorry I wasn't there... I promise you that I will never leave your side again Y/n/n" Robin said looking at me. I got up and grabbed my bag and put it in my shoulder as Robin does the same "I need to get home it's getting really late" I said standing in-front of Robin looking up at him "Alright.. can I walk you home" he asks putting a piece of hair behind my ear "yeah I don't mind" I said wrapping my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We stayed like that for a minute then let go and began walking to my house. We were laughing when all this f a sudden a guy came out of nowhere and dropped two brown bags of groceries. "Are you okay sir" I asked as Robin began to grab my arm and pull me back towards him a little "I don't have a good feeling about him Y/n" Robin whispered in my ear "It's alright Rob" I tried reassuring him. "Do you need help" I asked the guy and he just picked up a cracked egg and showed it to me "oh isn't that just peachy keen" he said laughing " could you hand me my hat kind girl" he said pointing to the hat next to my feet. I picked up the hat and handed it to him "I am a part time magician" he said standing up and Robin grabbed my hand " would you like to see a magic trick" he asked looking at me and Robin "sur-" I got cut of by Robin saying "sorry but we really need to get home" "Why not see a magic trick first" the guy pressed "no we need to get home" Robin said tightening his grip on my hand a little and walking past the guy but the guy grabs my arm and stops me and Robin "I can give you guys a ride home" they guy said so I death stares him and he grabbed some type of spray and he sprayed it in my mouth "Y/N" Robin yelled as the guy wrapped black balloons around me and threw me into the back of the van causing me and Robins hands to let go and Robin tried fighting him but he sprayed Robin aswell and threw him in the back of the van with me and he grabbed the black balloons and let them go and closed the doors then it all went blurry and I blacked out.

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