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Vance's Pov

I was at the Grab N Go playing my game but I got tired and decided to head home. I walked in and went upstairs to Y/ns room, I knocked on the door but she didn't answer "Y/n.. I'm coming in" I said before opening the door and walking in but she wasn't there so I checked around the house but she wasn't here so I went to her room and got her little phone book with her friends numbers and looked up the Blake's, I dialed their number and surprisingly they answered. "Hello?" Some girl said "Hi, is this the Blake's" I asked "yup whos this" the girl asked "It's Vance.. Y/n big brother" I said hoping she knew "oooh yeah Pin Ball Vance, what do you need" She asked in a way softer voice "I was wondering if Y/n is at your place?" I asked "No.. but is Robin at your house?" She asked "No" I said "Uhm Vance.. If they aren't at your house or Robins house Or My house then uhm.. WHERE ARE THEY" she asked sounding a little panicked "Uhm I don't know.. Meet me at the Park at exactly 11 in the morning tomorrow no later Blake" I said "Got it" She said then hung up and I did the same.

*10:45 A.M*

I got up and changed into a causal outfit, light blue jeans with a white tank top and my famous blue jean jacket. I looked at the time and it was 10:56. "Shit" I said as I walked out the door to the park. Once I got there I seen the Blake siblings walking over to me. "Hey Vance" The girl said "Hi" I said glancing from the girl to her brother "H-Hi I'm Finn" The bo- Finn said "And I'm Gwen" The gir- Gwen said. "So I told you to come here so we go looking for Y/n and Robin" I told the Blake's "I don't think it's a good idea" Finn said "Finney don't be a pussy let's go" Gwen said "Yeah c'mon don't be a pussy Finn" I said walking over to Gwen and putting my arm on her shoulder "Yeah yeah whatever let's just go" Finn said walking off a little as me and Gwen followed.

"Guys we've been looking for hours, and have had literally no progress" Gwen said walking In between me and Finn "I guess we should head home" I said "Yeah..Bye Vance" Gwen said as her and Finn went their way and I went mine.

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