In this darkness. By - Clara La San

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Me and Robin skated back to his house even tho we could've got a ride. But yk we're drunk so we didn't think of it.

We made to Robins and his dumb ass rode into the grass and went flying down (omg😭) we got our stuff and went to his room because his Tio was sleeping in his room.

We went to Robins room. "Hey Robby can I have some clothes to change into?" I asked Robin jumping to Kay on his bed. "Yeah." Robin said grabbing me some clothes.

" Robin said grabbing me some clothes

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He gave me a Hoodie and some Sweats. I just had my sports bra under the hoodie.  We layed down and I layed on Robins chest. "Hey you going to sleep?" Robin asked in a whisper. "No I can't sleep." I whispered back.

"Wanna listen to music?" Robin asked. "Oh yes please!" I said exited then sitting up. Robin went over to his records which he had a LOT of. The got out a record and put it on.

He picked 'In This Darkness by Clara La San'. "Oh my gosh I love this song!" I said grabbing a pillow throwing it at Robin. "Hey! Get over here!" Her said smiling grabbing the pillow to hit me back with. He hit me twice and I grabbed the pillow from him and whacked him in the back of the head.

He grabbed another pillow and we started hitting each other while laughing our asses off. Robin threw his pillow to the side and grabbed mine throwing it to the side aswell. He started ticking me.

"ROBIN STOP! PLEASE!" I said laughing trying to grab his hands, which I succeeded in. "I love you Y/n Hopper." Robin said laying down infront of me looking up at me. "I love you too Robin Arellano" I said smiling. 'I love you' means so much to me. I leaned down and kissed Robin.

(No smut btw remember yall are only 14, maybe when you're 16.)
The kiss quickly turned into a make out session. Robin pulled me onto his lap not breaking the kiss. He rested his arms on my waist and I rested mine on his face. We pulled apart to catch our breath. Once we did we immediately went back to kissing. Robin kissed down my jaw to my neck and sucked my at neck a little. "That's definitely going to leave a mark." Robin said smiling at what he did. "Mmm that's not good." I said laying on his chest and brushing his hair with my hand.

"Can we go to sleep?" I asked yawning. "Of course." He said pulling the covers over us. We fell asleep snuggled up.

A/n: I don't really like this chapter but I hope you guys do.

Anywayyy I did two at home Covid test and they both came back positive😭

the worst part is that I do homeschool so I still have to do schoolwork😭

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now