Last chapter😴😞

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We started walking to the park but the thought about my dad was bugging me a lot.

"Y/n are you okay?" Robin asked noticing I'm lost in my thoughts.

"Oh.. what.. yeah I'm fine" I said smiling then looking down at my feet.

Robin took my hand and stopped me from walking. He turned me to face him and pulled my face up to look at his face.

"Y/n tell me what's wrong. You have so much going on, please tell me." He said.

"Fine... it's my dad he's a fucking weirdo, he left when I was little and then years later he fucking whatches me go to school, get dressed, and he kidnapped us he also had the fucking audacity to compliment my body!" I said raising my voice a little. Vance, Gwen and Finn noticed we weren't with them and they came over to us.

"Y/n are you okay?" Vance said as I felt tears in my eyes. I hugged Vance and he hugged me back.

"It'll be okay, I promise. We'll protect you now sis" Vance said.

I let go and Robin held out his hand for me so I looked at him smiling and held his hand.

"Did you tell them that we're together?" I asked because everyone kept looking at us weird.

"No I didn't know if you wanted them to know" Robin said.

"Ofc I do Rob" I said laying my head on Robins arm for a second smiling.

"Your so silly Mi Amor" Robin said as we got to the park.

We all went over to the bench and table and sat down getting our snacks.

I went over to this little tunnel and sat inside and ate my f/c (fav candy).

"Hey Y/n" Robin said scaring the fuck out of me so I screamed.

"DAMN IT ROBIN YOU SCARED ME" I said and he just laughed.

"Sorry Amor" he said sitting down next to me.

He offered me some of his skittles and I took some so I offered him some of my candy.

"Y/N ROBIN!?" Vance yelled looking for us.

"We should go" I said and Robin nodded and got out and I followed.

"Oh hey Y/n" Vance said smiling.

"Hi?" I said confused.

" we gatta head home. We have school tomorrow." Vance said

"Okay, Bye Gwen, Bye Finn, Bye Robin." I said walking off with Vance

"Bye Y/n"  they all said.

Me and Vance finally got home, I went up to my room and got changed then went to bed.

Guys I think I'm done writing this story. I'm not really in my Robin or Miguel era anymore. I'm so sorry and los quiero a todos!!!

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now