"Hey..hey its okay amor"

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My first period ended now it's lunch. I get to the hallway that leads to the cafeteria when someone pull's me in a empty classroom.
"WHAT THE FUCK" you yell as they turn on the lights and close the door. Moose. The mole rat.
"Hey sexy" he said walking over to you
"Moose What the fuck" you say bumping into a window
"What's wrong babe... I seen how you helped me earlier" he sad tucking a piece of hair behind your ear
"Stop" you say but the starts to lean in and you couldn't stop him so he kissed you and put his hands on your waist so you kick him in his tiny ass nuts and ran to the door but as you reached the door Robin came in.
"Robin" you say hugging him "Y/n...you okay" Robin asks hugging you back and noticing Moose
"C'mon let's go to lunch" you say letting go of Robin and taking his hand.

|Robins Pov|

What the fuck happened, I thought to myself as Y/n dragged me to the cafeteria. Ima ask her what happened in there because she seems upset I thought to myself as we got our lunch.

|Y/n Pov|

We got our food and Finny waved us over so of course we went over there. Finny Gwen and Donna were there "hey Y/n.. hey Robin" Gwen said "Hey guys" Donna said "what's up yall" Finny said reaching across the table to hug Robin, Robin does the same "what's up guys" Robin said sitting back down "Y/n.... You okay" Robin said noticing your zoned out.
"Yeah.. yeah im good.. it's just uhm.. im ganna go find Vance I'll see y'all later" I say not wanting to be there bc Moose had sat at the table next to us and was staring at me. I get up and throw away my food and Robin follows me. I get to the doors of the school and Robin grabs my hand "y/n what's wrong.. what happened in that room with Moose" Robin asks as I turn to face him "nothing Robin.. it's fine" I said turning around and taking my hand away then opening the door and leaving school with Robin still following me.
"You said you were ganna find Vance" he said now walking next to me "yeah well I lied" I said getting to the football field and going to the top of the metal risers.

|Robins Pov|
I follow Y/n up to the top of the risers and she sits down and so do I. I pull out a back of cigarettes and my lighter and light one. "Y/n please tell me what happened in the room with Moose please" I say as she takes my cigarette "fine..Moose kissed me after I told him no so I kicked him in his nuts then I went to open the door but you opened it" she said clearly panicked about it "hey..hey it's okay amor" I said pulling her into my arms and hugging her as she started crying. I took the cigarette from her and put it out.

|Y/n Pov|

Robin hugged me and I started crying so he took the cigarette out of my hand and put it out. We stayed that way for a good 5 minutes. We pulled away and he said "im ganna go.. class is abt to start" and with that he left. I sat there for a few minutes thinking about what happened before I decided to leave and go to class. When I finally got inside I heard people yelling so I squeezed through the crowd and seen someone fighting Moose...

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now