The way to excape.

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                                    Y/n Pov

Me and Robin were sitting talking about who we got into fights with in school when the phone rang.

"I got in a fight with Jason Crumble last year and man is he weak" Robin said as we both started laughing "I got in a fight with his sister Lola in 4th grade... I beat she shit out of her" I told Robin as we started laughing even more "I remember the first time I met you I tried to fight you but.. I'm glad I didn't" Robin said punching my shoulder jokingly "I remember that it was funny because you were so mad I bumped into yo-" I got cut off by the phone ringing and I ran to answer it.

"H- Hello?" I asked confused on why the phone was ringing because the cord was cut, a raspy voice answered "Y/n" I gasped and quickly put the phone back on the stand and backed up all the way to the other side of the room.

The phone rang again.

I walked up to it and picked it up and put it right back down and stepped back a few steps.

It rang again.

I didn't answer and the ringing got louder and louder and louder until I picked it up.

"Don't hang up" a voice said

"I won't, who is this?" I asked

"I don't remember my name" The voice said but it sounded familiar

"Why not?" I asked

"It's the first thing you lose" my breath hitched and my stomach felt in knots

"The first thing you lose when?" I asked

"You know when" the voice stated

"How do you know my name?" I asked

"Our parents were friends, but we didn't talk much." The voice said

"Bruce? Bruce Yamada?" I Asked

"Yeah.... Bruce... Uh Im Bruce" he said sounding a little relieved

"Did the phone ring for you?" I asked

"It rang, but none of us heard it, just you. The Grabber hears the phone too, he just doesn't wanna believe it." He says

"Why are you calling me?" I asked

"I'm glad it's you," I was confused, what did he mean? Was he glad that I got kidnapped? Glad that I was about to die in a creepy guy's basement with Robin Arellano?

"Y/n" he said

"Yeah" I answered

"There's a dirt section in the floor of the hallway where the tile is loose." He said

"Okay" I said looking at Robin who looked confused as fuck

"Dig down underneath the foundation. I tried, but there wasn't time for me to dig up and out the other side." He said

"Will I have enough time?" I asked

He didn't answer

"Hello?" I asked " Bruce?" I asked

He had hung up.

I hung up the phone and told Robin about what he said and we went over to the little hallway and looked for a loose tile.

After feeling around, I suddenly felt like I could pull something up. "ROBIN I FOUND IT" I told him. He came over quickly and we started pulling the tiles apart and started digging.

We dug for hours, my nails looked as if I'd painted them brown, and there was dirt everywhere. We'd gotten around a foot and a half deep before realising we had to put the dirt somewhere.

The toilet?! I could flush it down there. So then, I started going back and forth with handfuls of dirt and dropped each into the toilet, flushing it every few minutes.

From then on, me and Robin continued digging and going back and forth from the toilet back to the hole.

"Y/n I think we should be done for today" Robin said standing up looking down at me
"yeah me too, let's put a carpet over this and head   bed" I said and he nodded 'yes'. We put a carpet over the hole we dug and went to bed.

Robin was facing the outside/phone and I was facing the wall and we were back to back. Robin managed to fall asleep after a few minutes and so did I.


                                        A/N __________________________________

I think I'm getting a lot better at writing stories what about you?

Also sorry I haven't been posting I've been trying to get ready for middle school but I'm so nervous anyway I'll try and upload more tomorrow bye Pookies💋

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