Daddy Issues. By- The Neighborhood (FT. Syd)

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Yall I literally don't remember even posting the last part of this book. It's dawg😭😭😭🙏

Anyyyywayyy sorry I've been MIA yall🫡


I woke up and seen Robin on his stomach on my floor. I honestly think he might have fell. I got up and went over to him and began shaking him a bit. "Robin? You alive or dead?" I said shaking him to wake him up.

"Unos minutos más, por favor" Robin said in a raspy but yet attractive morning voice. "Uhm... I have absolutely no idea what you just said." I said laying on his back softly.

"Oh. Sorry I forgot, good morning tho." Robin said taking my hand into his a bit. "It's fine. Buuuut.... Let's go to the grab n go." I said getting up and going to my closet.

"Uhm.. the grab n go is a bit away." Robin said smiling at me. "Oh yeah. Well we can ride bikes. Me and Vance brought ours." I said grabbing a black T shirt with cursive writing on the left chest side that says "Trucizna" on it.

I also grabbed some white jeans/cargo pants and went to my bathroom and changed. After I changed I went back to my room. "Okay let's go." I said to Robin while we walked to my door then down the stairs.

"Oh. Em. Gee. Good mooorniiing!" Taylor said exited while drinking what I assume is Tea. "Good morning." I said smiling at her. "Is it okay if me and Robin go the Grab N Go?" I asked.

"Of course go ahead." Taylor said while taking a bite of some toast with butter and cinnamon on it. (If you've never tried it, then you absolutely missing out.) "Thank you." I said while me and Robin walked to the front door and then outside.

We went to the side of the house and grabbed the bikes. We rode off and headed to the grab n go.
"Hey Y/n?" Robin said. "Yea?" I asked back. "Wanna go to the bowling alley?" He asked. "Yeah that sound fun." I said. We made it to Denver and it didn't take long to get to the Grab N Go.

We got off the bikes and leaned them against the building and went inside. We grabbed some chips and candy. Then I seen Vance at the Pin Ball Machin. "Vance? How'd you get here?" I asked. "Taylor gave me a ride." He said annoyed. "Oh okay. You alright?" I asked him.

"I'm fine Y/n." He said. "Okay." I said and went back to Robin seeing him grab a blue Gatorade. I got a Y/F/F (your fav flavor) and we went to the check out. We payed and left. "Ready to go to the bowling alley?" Robin asked as we rode off.

"Yeah." I said....a few minutes later we arrived and seen Finn and Gwen with Donna and Bruce. We all seen each other. "Y/n ! Robin!" Donna yelled and ran over hugging us.

"Hey Donna," I said smiling. "C'mon. We went to your house Robin but you were there?" Finn said clearly afended. "Oh sorry. I stayed over at Y/n's." Robin said. Donna handed me a bowling ball and I took it.

I threw and rolled it knocking down all but one pin. "Damn it." I said and sat in the little couch bench thingy. "Here let me show you." Bruce said and threw and rolled his bowling ball knocking all of the pins down.

"Yes!" He said. "How?!" I asked amazed. "Just that good-" Bruce said but got cut off by Gwen. "Nuh uh! Your ass at this! That's like the first time you've got more than 3" Gwen said making us all laugh and Bruce just stared at us.

"Woww. So kind aren't you Gwen?" Bruce said. "Very." Gwen said back. "Uhm anyway. Are you going to school tomorrow?" Finn asked. "Yeah I think I might have to before the authorities get concerned." I said. "Makes sense. But do you guys wanna go to my house?" Gwen chimed in as me and Robin ate our snacks.

"Yeah sure." Robin said.
"Absolutely." Donna said."
"Of course." I said.
"What?" Bruce said.
We all looked at Bruce with a 'are you serious' look.

"What? Whatd I do?" He asked genuinely confused. We all just laughed slightly. "You always seem so loft Bruce." Finn said. "Oh." Bruce said. "C'mon losers I'm bord." Gwen said walking out. We all followed her and left. Me and Robin walked with our bikes to Blake's house.

Once we arrived we sat our bikes against the house and went inside. We went to Gwen's room and closed the door. "Guys I was watching a movie last night while eating ice cream and I almost threw up because I seen guts." Finn randomly said.

"Eww Finn that disgusting." I said. "Yeah if I didn't know better I'd say that's T.M.I." Donna said. "Sorry." Finn said chuckling.

After a while we decided to play truth or dare.

"Okay. Gwen truth or dare?" Donna said. "Dare." Gwen said. "I dare you to leave in the middle of class tomorrow." Donna said. "Dude! I'll get in trouble! But okay." Gwen said.

I don't feel like writing all the stuff so anyway. You're all staying the night at the Blake's on a Monday night...

                                        That's all.


Sorry it's short yall. I have lost all motivation and don't feel like writing. I really don't remember what the past few chapters were about but I had the first bit of this chapter already made so I just finished it😭

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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