You get me so high - The Neighborhood

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I woke up to Robin looking at me.

"Hi Amor" Robin said in his morning voice.

"Good morning." I said in my morning voice.

"Vance made breakfast, he called us down a minute ago." Robin said.

"Okay let's go downstairs." I said getting up and Robin doing the same.

"Wait Y/n come here, hurry." Robin said panicked.

"What? What is it?" I said now panicked. Robin played a gentle sweet kiss on my lips and left the room.

"Wha- really Robin?" I said chuckling at him then leaving my room aswell.

I didn't see Robin downstairs so I asked Vance.

"Hey where's Robin?" I asked walking over leaning on the counter.

"Dunno. Or care." Vance said.

Hmm Vance being Vance?


Robin walked in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around my waist, he picked me up and spun me around then put me back down.

"God you scared me." I said laughing a bit.

"Are we going to school today?" Robin asked.

"I hope not, Y/n is the only reason I can stay home." Vance said sitting down then banging his head on the table.

"God Vance what's your problem, and I don't think I'm ganna go till next week." I said sitting down next to Vance.

"He found out Bruce is straight so he's pissed." Robin said laughing while sitting next to me.

"Arellano if you don't shut the hell up, I'll make you" Vance said getting up and going upstairs angrily,

"God he's really got a crush on Bruce then." I said. Robin busted out laughing.

He was literally wheezing.

"Y- Y- y/n- help." Robin said while laughing.

"Oh my god Robin." I said laughing at him.

"I need- need help." Robin said leaning on my shoulder putting his arms around my waist holding onto me.

"Rob, why" I said wheezing at this point.

"I-I can't breathe." Robin said squeezing me at this point.

"Shut the fuck up!" Vance yelled from upstairs.

"O-okay breath." I said gaining my oxygen back as Robin did the same.

"That was... tiring" Robin said then started eating and I did the same.

Guess who finally posted😭🫶🏼

So I just finished TWD and I'm watching The Umbrella Academy now. Tbh Five,Deigo,and Klaus is kinda fine but one thing for sure is five is FINE🫶🏼😍

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