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"See the wall in front of you?" Paper boy asked

I was facing away from the phone, staring at the door.

"See how the wall is separated from the floor?" He asked

"Yes." I said

"I tore a long cable loose from down there... I kept it hidden." He said and I nodded

"Okay, what should I do with it?" Suddenly, the bottle started spinning around, and the top of it started to lift upwards and pointed toward the window. "Thank you, paperboy." I said

I dropped the phone, rushing over to the wall, trying to reach under it to pull out the cable. I could feel it, but it was difficult to get out but after a minute of reaching and making small pulls on it, I managed to tear it out from under the wall. It was very long.

"The fuck am I gonna do with this? Make it like a lasso?" I laughed at my stupidity, looking around the room to find something I could use.
Boom, the carpets.

I jumped over the hole and grabbed the longest carpet that was almost as tall as the ceiling. I dragged it to the window and placed it so that it was on the floor and leaning against the window

I grabbed the cable and started pushing it up the hole of the rolled carpet until it reached the top. It looped around the metal piece that covered the window like a jail cell and continued pushing it over until I could reach it

I pulled the cable down as far as I could before pulling the carpet away. I started by trying to climb the wall, did not work. All I got was burns on my hands, and my skin was starting to peel off. Then I tried tying the cable together so I could step onto it, I reached up and grabbed the metal to pull myself up.

I attempted to reach the window lock, and just as I grabbed it, the metal part fell off, causing me to fall. Of course, knowing my luck, it fell on top of me and holy shit it hurt.

"Y/N!" Robin yelled as he got up and ran over to me. Robin quickly got the metal thing off of me and put me in his lap "Y/n are you okay?!" Robin asked panicked "Ye-yeah I'm fine" I said as I grabbed my stomach and started hissing at the pain. God damn it hurts now.


                                 Robins Pov

Y/n started hissing in pain and holding her stomach so I carefully picked her up and carried her to the mattress and sat her down. I had a jacket on the other end of the bed so I grabbed it and carefully put it on her then I sat down and carefully put her head in my lap. "Thank you Robin" Y/n said weakly "yeah no problem" I said as I began to run my fingers through her hair.

Y/n fell asleep and I picked up all the stuff the was using, I heard footsteps coming downstairs to where me and y/n are so I went and sat next to her.

The door opened "How are you guys?" The grabber asked

"Fine" I said staring at him

"What's your name?" The grabber asked randomly

"What do you care" I said snapped

"I usually don't. I find out eventually in the paper. They always print a nice, big photo with all the details I could ever want. All the things you kids lie about." The grabber said

"What's different this time?" I asked

"Oh... Oh, it's complicated. It's... too complicated. Everything's different, nothing's going right." The grabber said

"You could let us go." I said

"I'm thinking about it." My heart rate sped up at the thought of leaving, that's all I wanted at that point. But I couldn't get my hopes up too high, he was most likely lying.

"I promise, I won't tell anyone, she won't tell anyone, I swear. You can blindfold us, drop us off in the middle of nowhere and we'll walk home." I said taking Y/ns hand into mine

"Well, tell me your name." He saidWhy would I lie about my name at this point?

He was going to see it in the paper anyway.  But what if the paper wasn't out yet and he didn't know my name? What if I told him a fake name and he let me go? Then, he wouldn't find me. I thought

So I made my decision.....

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now