Friends by Chase Atlantic

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Me and Robin were looking for books. "Oh what about this book?" Robin asked holding up a Harry Potter book.

"I've already read that one but... I'll read this one." I said grabbing a Harry Potter book I haven't read yet. Me and Robin went to a library booth and sat down across from each other and began reading.

Well I did at least. Robin being Robin of course, didn't read a book but he pretended he was. "Robin want me to read the book to you?" I asked putting my book down on the pages I was reading.

"Yes please." He said chuckling nervously while coming over to sit next to me. I read a chapter to him and by time I was finished he was asleep on my shoulder.

"God Rob." I said whispering. I nudged him to wake him up. "What bitch- wait I'm sorry I didn't know it was you." Robin said immediately apologizing then pulling me close to kiss my cheek.

"Rob it's fine." I said laughing softly. "C'mon let's go to the bean bags." I said getting up dragging him with me to the kids area.

we sat down on a bean bag, I continued reading while Robin slept. "Escuse mwe?" (excuse me) a little girl said coming up to me. "Yes?" I asked nicely. "Can you wead me tis book?" (Can you read me this book) she asked holding out a book.

"Of course. Come sit." I said patting next to me. I read the title and then started reading her the book. I was called The Rainbow Fish.

 I was called The Rainbow Fish

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This book. After 16 minutes of reading I finished the book and looked over at the girl. She was sleeping snuggling me. But where tf are her parents? I wonder to myself.

Just then a sweet looking lady with brown hair and green eyes came over to me smiling. "I am so sorry, she slipped away from me." She said leaning down to her. "Oh it's fine, she so sweet." I said smiling at her. "Aww thank you so much. Also I'm very sorry, again." She said carefully picking her up and carrying her out of the library smiling.

"Who was that?" Robin asked confused as hell. "Oh I actually don't know. I just read her daughter a book." I said getting up. "It's late we should head home before this place closes." I said because the sun was setting.

"Hi um excuse me the library is closing in about 15 minutes." A lady said. Stfu I know bitch. I thought to myself. "Okay." Robin said getting up.

We left the library after putting our books in the return basket. We did it bc we didn't know where to put the books. "Hey can we stop at my place real quick?" Robin asked as we passed his house.

"Yeah of course." I said as we began walking up to his house. He opened the door for me so I went in. I Js stood at the door because I didn't know wtf to do. "Aye Tio, Y/n's here with me." Robin said nodding his head at his uncle that's in the living room.

"Si, esta bien. Vas a pasar la noche aqui? wassup Y/n."
(Yeah okay. Are yall staying the night here?) his uncle said. "Hey Robins Tio." I said waving at him. I knew what Tio and Si meant but not really anything else.

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now