Apocalypse - cigarettes after sex. (sorry for another short chapter)

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I woke to a thump on my window. I seen Robin laying on me with head on my stomach and his arm holding onto my waist with one of his legs over mine. I carefully got up trying not to wake him. I went over to my window and looked down at the ground.

I seen Billy with his head down...

I opened my window so I could tell him to go away. "Billy what do want?" I asked rudely.
"Can I come in.. please? I need some help" Billy said looking up at me. I seen blood all over his face. His lip had a cut like a ring had cut it, he had a bruised neck as if someone tried choking him, and he had a black eye along with a nasty bruise. "What the hell happened to you Billy!?" I yelled at him. "I got into a fight. With Moose..." he said looking back down. I could tell he lost.
"Hold up dude you actually lost a fight to Moose the fucking asshole." I asked in disbelief.
"Uhm yeah." He said looking back up at me.
"Okay that's fucking embarrassing, leave me fuck alone Billy." I said then closed my window.

"Who was that?" Robin asked yawning. "It was just Billy, he got his ass beat by Moose." I said and Robin just laughed. "Come here" Robin said holding his arms open for a hug. I went and sat infront of him. He wrapped my legs around his and put me on his lap, he put his head onto my chest and I played with his hair.

We stayed like that for three minutes, Robin layed us down putting me on bottom and him on top.He put his arms around my waist/stomach with his head on my chest and his legs intertwined with mine. I played with his hair and he just let me. "I love you Y/n" Robin said tired. "I love you too Robin." I said smiling at his voice.
"Good night." Robin said dosing off back to sleep. "Good night Rob." I whispered kissing his head. I took off his Banda and put it on my nightstand so I can play with his hair more.

I eventually fell asleep....

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now