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I woke up being carried down some stairs to a room and getting thrown on a mattress, a really hard mattress to be exact. I sat up looking around but everything was so fucking blurry.
Damn can't one thing go right today, like god bruh. I felt the grabber sit on the bed infront of me and I'm not sure if I'm correct but it feels as if someone is on the bed next to me...


The Grabber started speaking "Jesus it's covered in blood" he muttered pointing to his forearm where I guess Robin had cut him "it's like I killed someone... you see that" I didn't answer him, I just death stared him because we'll I can't do anything else and everything's still fucking blurry.

"Not like you could see shit"

"I know you scared... but I'm not gonna hurt you anymore" he said looking at me with a creepy ass mask on. "And Mr. Fighter over here, well he did a number on my arm... but I'm not gonna hold it against y'all.. hmm" I felt him move closer and my heart started racing.

"But I guess now we're even" he said running a hand through my hair "you don't have to be scared, because nothing bad is gonna happen here" he said moving my hair out of my face and to the side.

"On that I keep my word Bonny" randomly he started poking me "you like soda.. hmm" he put a hand on my shoulder making me feel so many emotions.. all of them are bad, I felt scared, mad, annoyed, stupid, but most of all angry.. it's my fault if I would've just listened to Robin maybe we'd still be okay.. I have a horrible feeling about this place.

"I'll tell you what I'm gonna go get you a soda and then-" he stopped talking, his hand still on my shoulder. "Is that the phone.. you hear a phone ringing" he moved his hand away then put it back "I'm gonna see who it is, then I'll get you a soda, and then I'll come back and explain everything hmm" he said placing his hand from my shoulder to my face.

I felt him get up and heard his footsteps going to the door. He closed the door and locked it which was really loud. I felt the person next to me moving so I looked over and I could tell they were sitting up now. Everything's still blurry as fuck so I decided to just sleep it off.

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now