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"I think I know how to escape" I said

"Wait really!?" Robin said excitedly

" The hole we dug remember that, I also found the rope. We can make him trip and fall into the hole hopefully hurting him and we can escape" I said looking Robin in the eyes

"Yeah that actually might work" Robin said looking down and upset

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Oh uhh nothin it's nothing" he said with his voice cracking a little

"Rob... tell me... what's wrong?" I asked putting my hand on his cheek lifting up his face to look at me

"What if- uhhh... what if we don't escape" Robin said looking me in the eyes

"Oh Rob don't say that we will get out, and it will be together I promise" I said rubbing my thumb along his cheek bone

The phone started to ring.

I got up fast but carefully

"Ah fuck it hurts" I said holding my stomach walking over to the phone

"Hello? Griff- Paper boy?" I asked, i burnt up because no one answered.

I turned toward the corner of the room before noticing a floating body that was upside down in a crab position.

"What the fuck-" I gasped, staring at the child's figure who seemed to have their neck slit open.
Whoever it was pointed somewhere, I looked.
The black phone.

I picked up the phone, looking back to where the body was, but it was gone.

"What the fuck" I said

"What?" Robin said clueless as hell

"Uhh nothing" I said picking up the phone

"You don't have much time," A soft voice stated, they sounded scared.

"The Grabber hasn't been sleeping. He thinks this might be it. That he's gonna figure it out." He said

"Who's gonna find out?" I asked, peeking around the room scared

"His brother upstairs." The person laughed lightly.

"Are you Alex?" I asked

"What?" The person said

"Alexander Gawl" I said

"Probably. It's all a little hazy, but I imagine you know all our names." The person said

"Every kid does. I didn't know you," I said

"Nobody did. You spend so many years invisible, and then every kid in the state knows your name. You don't have much time." Alexander said

"Why hasn't he killed us Alex?" I asked scared as Robin got up and walked over to me standing next to me

"You won't play the game. You have to play the game. If you don't play, he can't win." Alex said

"What game?" I asked putting my head down

"Naughty boy" Alex said

I looked up at Robin in confusion and shock I had no idea what to think

"If you don't play Naughty boy. Then the Grabber can't beat you. And if he can't beat you, he'll move on to the next part. And the next part of Naughty boy is his favourite part." Alex said

"What the next part?" I asked scared of the answer even tho I probably know what the next part is.

Alex only laughed evilly, "You don't have much time." He finished angrily

"You said that." I said

"He's not been sleeping." He said

"You said that too," I said

"Yeah, well, he is now. In his chair. He passed out waiting for you to play." Alex said

I shrugged, not knowing what to say.

"What good does that do me?" I asked. Something clicked, and I peered at the door.

"The door is still unlocked." I said looking at the door

"The door is still unlocked," Alex repeated to me. My breathing became shaky.

"Well, do I just, go?" I asked

"There's a combination lock, on the inside of the door. It was my bike lock." Alex said

"Your bike lock?" I asked

"Yeah, he took it from me when he took me." He said

"What's the combination?" I pressed the boy

"I don't remember" he said

"Alex!" I said yelled annoyed

"I remember being afraid I'd forget it. That's why I wrote it down," he said

"I carved it, with a bottle cap on the wall." He finished

"Which wall?!" I yelled looking around

"The one on the right." I dropped the phone, running over to the wall and looking for it.

I ran my fingers over the wall and i gasped as I found the numbers 23317, I ran my finger over the numbers I repeated the number to myself a few times.

"Two, three, three, one, seven?" I whispered to myself

"Two three three what?" Robin asked walking over squatting behind me and wrapping his arms around my lower neck right above my chest

"Rob?" I said soft and quietly

"Yeah?" Robin said

"When we get out of here... what will happen?" I asked

"What do you mean?" He asked

"Like...well...uhm...like will we still be able to see each other, like will they take us straight els?" I said

"I don't think so I think they'll just talk to us and ask us questions" Robin said

"Yeah...yeah okay" I said sighing and smiling

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now