TYSM/ Escaped the grabber.

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I legit thought my book would just flop but I was wrong and it's all thanks to you guys! I love you all so much🙏🤭😍💗🫀
Also I have another chapter for yall. I've finally got my motivation back!.

I walked back over to the phone "23317?" I asked

"If you say so" he said

"Thank you for your help" I said softly as I hung up the phone

"C'mon Robin we have to leave now or never" I said grabbing Robins jacket off the bed putting it on

"Alright but just let me go first" Robin said walking over to the door opening it carefully.

We snuck up stairs and past the Grabber as quickly and quietly as possible. We made it to the lock and I quickly put in the code and it worked.

Robin took off the lock and opened the door and we ran out as fast as we could go.

But the Grabber had heard the door and was chasing after us. He had a knife and was running after us with it.

My stomach started hurting so bad that it slowed me down and Robin was ahead of me running still.

The grabber caught up to me and I felt a sharp pain in my side and screamed.

He had stabbed me. I fell to the ground and he was about to pull it out and stab me again but someone stabbed him in his neck.


"Y/N" Robin said running to me

"I already called 911" Gwen said scared

"WHAT THE HELL GUYS ARE YALL OKAY" Finn said freak tf out

"I'm fine but y/n isn't" Robin said as him and Vance helped me up as I put my hand next to the stab, the knife was still in me but no one pulled it out because I would bleed more and probably bleed to death.

5 cop cars and 2 ambulances pulled up.

"GET THE GIRL TO THE HOSPITAL AND CHECK ON THE BOY" an officer yelled at the ambulance

They put me in one of the beds and I was staring to pass out so they put a breathing mask on me and passed out.

                                  |Robins POV|

I told them I was fine and asked if I could ride with y/n to the hospital and they agreed but said to be fast. So I hopped in and they shut the doors and sped off.

I took y/ns hand as a helper began moving around the knife to see if it would be easy to pull out or if the sound need it surgically removed because it was really deep.

                                    |Y/n POV|

I woke up in a hospital bed with Vance, Robin, Gwen and Finn in the room. Robin was holding my hand and he noticed I was awake.

"Gwen! Go get the doctor she awake!" Robin said putting his free hand on my face as Vance took my other hand holding it with his free hand on my leg.

"Y/n I was worried about you" Robin cried as tears rained from his eyes and he put his head on my stomach and both his hands on my hand.

"Well hello miss Hopper great to see you awake" a nurse said as everyone moved to the hallway for her to help me.

"So we'll have you stay in the hospital for about two weeks because you got a pretty nasty wound" she said typing something into a computer then taking my wrist.

"I'm ganna put this in your arm all right" the nurse said getting a needle and taking my wrist gently and carefully putting in my wrist to help with my blood.

She finished after 15 minutes and let everyone come back inside my room and she left.

Gwen and Finn had gone home and Vance was ganna stay with me for about 20 more minutes then head home and Robin is ganna stay the next with me.

*an hour later at 10:38* me and Robin had decided to go to bed and the nurse said he's allowed to sleep in the bed with me so he did.

*an hour later at 10:38* me and Robin had decided to go to bed and the nurse said he's allowed to sleep in the bed with me so he did

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That's how we slept.

"Good night Rob" I said

"Good night y/n/n" Robin said

We had went bed and both woken up at 12:36 because Vance Gwen and Finn came in being loud asf.

Crazy loving | Robin Arellano X Y/n HopperWhere stories live. Discover now