1. Leaving home

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Hello. My name is Y/N. I can hear your thoughts. You can hear mine too, well, at least the ones I want you to. When I was younger I could always hear people talking about other people and also me. This had many pros and cons.

Pros: I heard all of the drama. I knew who liked who. I knew everyone's darkest secret.

Cons: They called me a freak, ugly, unwanted, gross, ect.

That all happened after two kids were talking to each other and I accidentally screamed at them through my thoughts 'omg, we get it you like each other just kiss already.' They both heard me. I was so scared.

They told the biggest kid in the class and he walked up to me. "Hey, freak!"

'Uh-oh,' I thought. He heard it.

"Uh-oh is right. stop reading my thoughts!" He swung his first punch at me. I closed my eyes and tried to block the punch. I heard a loud thud. The next thing I knew he was stuck to the wall.

"What did you do? Put me down!" he screamed. He fell as I ran out the class room and ran home.

~~~~~~~~~time skip

When I finally got home, I ran to my mother and cried in her arms. I never went back to school after that. I was home schooled until I was about 15. My mother always comforted me when I needed it the most. Music was the other thing that always calmed me down. The other part of my ability is that I can remember every song I ever heard. But I still like to listen on my music player.

(A/N: takes place in 1996. Enough time for all the good music to come out on CD.)

As I was listening to music I could hear my mother's thoughts. 'I think it's time I sent her to Ms. Peregrine.'

Ms. Peregrine? I've never heard of her before. I turned off my music and walked out my door.

"Mom," I asked,"Who's Ms. Peregrine?"

I could see her struggle to give me an answer. She remained silent so I cocked my head to the side. She finally spoke up. "You should sit down." I took a seat on the couch and she sat next to me.

She started,"there is a home for people like you in Wales. A home for children with special abilities. I'm sending you away because I want what's best for you. I'm sorry, Y/n."

I ran to my room and started crying. I don't want to leave everything I've ever known. And my mom. And...and. Suddenly the room started spinning and I could hear everything at once. I did my best to control my breathing and my mother walked in. She hugged me and after I calmed down fully she helped me start packing. I packed my favorite CD's and my player. My favorite T-shirts, jeans, and anything I could fit in my bag.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip

I left the next morning. My mother walked me to the ferry and we said our goodbyes. I found my seat on the ferry and cried for a bit until I accidentally dosed off.

Inner Thoughts - Enoch O'Conner x readerWhere stories live. Discover now