26. I regret walk on shingles

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Y/n pov

It's kind of windy up here in the roof. Windier than usual, windier than I ever noticed. I'm ruining my poor dress by sitting on these shingles. My feet are starting to bleed from me pacing up here and sitting down and pacing again.

Suddenly the window opens, "room for one more?" I don't turn around to see who it is.

 "No, I'm going back inside anyway." I slide through the window to find Enoch staring at me. I take a step away from the window, leaving blood foot prints. I wince with every step. Enoch noticed and picks me up and puts me on the bed we still didn't take out of the attic after I died. "What happened to your feet? Were you pacing on the shingles?" I nod my head yes. He sighs and sits next to me. We start talking at the same time and stop. "You go first," he says and looks away for a second.

 "I didn't want to say no. I want to marry you and I love you so much. I just couldn't say yes as much as I wanted to. Something was stopping me."

 "So you will marry me?" He looked me in the eyes.

 I nodded my head yes. He kissed me and picked me up and spun me around. He put me down and I fell over in pain. "Oh shit! I forgot your feet are broken!" He picked my up and carried me down to the basement to put bandages on my feet. "Any regrets?" He asked as he was wrapping my feet. "Yeah, everything. I regret everything. Especially walking barefoot and shingles." He just chuckled. I stood up and walked up the stairs.

"And where do you think you're going?" He said with a smirk.

"Upstairs to bed, I'm tired, " I replied.

"Without me?"

I rolled my eyes and ran as fast as I could to my room, which wasn't very fast because of my freshly bandaged feet. Enoch picked me up by my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"Enoch! Put me down!" I yelled while kicking my legs and trying to make him drop me. Nothing worked.

"There is no way you can make me put you down."

 "How about this?" I reached into his pants and grabbed the back of his underwear, giving him a wedgie.

 "OW!" He screamed as he dropped me, "I think my balls lost circulation."

 I started laughing so hard that Enoch had to shush me so I didn't wake anyone up. I floated upstairs to my room and fell asleep. Enoch joined me soon after.

~~~~~~~~~Time skip

I woke up the next morning and Enoch wasn't there. I got dressed and got up to find him. I first looked in the basement, he wasn't there so I went up to his room and stopped in the doorway. Enoch and Claire were molding clay figures together and preparing for a fight. I leaned on the doorway not making a sound and just smiled. I started to think, if the baby survived he would've been a great dad. But who really knows?

After the fight, Claire won, again, and Enoch smiled at me, "Oh, didn't know you were up." His Scottish trollness was more cheerful and kinda freaked me out. I'm so used to him being grumpy and locking himself away. That was until he said, "Claire, get out."

Claire skipped out of the room and I walked into the room, "Ah, there's the Scottish troll I know so well! What are you doing?"

He got up and walked past me, "leaving," he said with no emotion, "and hand me that jar."

I rolled my eyes and floated the jar into his hand behind me. He started to walk away when he asked, "how are your feet?"

 I forgot my feet were in bandages, "they're fine."

Inner Thoughts - Enoch O'Conner x readerWhere stories live. Discover now